Is “The New Normal” Your Normal? Evaluate where you stand & take control!
Our entire lives, we’ve relied on these sources to gauge morality & social cues. However, one thing always stood firm and clear: our PERSONAL normal should not be held to the standards of another person’s normal without educated critical thinking, research, and honest self-expression.

How to Calm Anxiety
Are you feeling anxious? Do you feel harassed by the voices in your head? Can you imagine what you would feel like if they were silenced? I don’t want you to feel like there is something wrong with you— we all experience this.

Escaping Thought-Loops to find the NOW
Have you been on edge, maybe feeling a little down lately? Are you frustrated trying to find peace? Much of what triggers these emotions is due to the thought loops that cycle through our awareness.

Finding Inner Peace in Turbulent Times
In today’s unsettling times, with so many untruths clouding our judgment and filling us with fear, it is easy to be swept away with stress and anxiety of the unknown. It’s time to send your spirit a life vest and pull you out of the uncertainties.

Taming the Mind
The imagination and our memories play a very big part in the way the mind behaves. Imagine you are walking across a dark room. There is a rope on the floor up ahead. Instead of seeing a rope, you imagine it is a snake.

Practical Benefits of Lemon Essential Oil
I have a variety of essential oils at my fingertips, each with different gifts and benefits to the body. As unique as the different instruments in an orchestra, each individual essential oil adds value and beauty to the whole.

What is the difference between Meditation, Creative Visualization, and Mindfulness?
Many of us use the word meditation as a blanket term to cover practices that though they are adjunct and can launch us into the state of meditation, are separate practices. There are distinct differences between meditation, creative visualization, and mindfulness.

Ask a Healer: Do Affirmations Work?
I do my daily affirmations, but they don’t work. Do they work for anybody? I am about to give up.

Ask a Healer: The Truth Behind Anger
My partner gets angry very quickly for seemingly unimportant stuff. Are there any tips for him and me?

What Can your Bedroom Say About Your Relationships?
Julie Britt, Feng Shui consultant, life coach, and relationships mentor answers this question.

Techniques to grow Self Love
Dean Fraser, a Spiritual Teacher of holistic lifestyles, Radio Presenter, Voice Actor, Artist, and Poet from United Kingdom shares his techniques on growing self-love within.

Watching Miracles Unfold: A story of what love can do
I was going through a very rough time not long ago. It felt like things in my life were just falling down around me and I had no idea what to do.