My Indigo Sun magazine welcomes articles on the following topics: Psychological & Emotional Wellbeing, Physical Health, Relationships, Career/Life Purpose, Money, Astrological Guidance, Predictions/Forecast, Personal Development, Energy Healing & Chakras, Natural Remedies & Rejuvenation, Healthy Cooking, Dream Interpretation, and other.

Guidelines for content submission:

  1. Your article word count should be between 450 – 1500 words.
  2. The title of the article should explicitly indicate what the article is about. If you want your article to have a creative title, please provide a secondary title which gives more insight on the content of the article. These titles often start with words like – How to? What to do to? The Secrets of … Why do we…?
  3. Please note that you can also submit your content in audio and video format.
  4. Authors can include a short biography without giving their contact information. If you want to include your contact information, you are invited to create a one-month free profile on Better Life Solutions advertising platform. It will give you an additional exposure not only to magazine readers but also to a wider audience. Visit BetterLife.Solutions to learn more.
  5. My Indigo Sun cannot guarantee publishing the content due to space limitations, available themes, and quality of the content.