Is “The New Normal” Your Normal? Evaluate where you stand & take control!

The New Normal

NORMAL: conforming to a standard; usual, typical, or expected

(It does NOT mean “best”, “safe”, “efficient”, “successful”, “healthy”, etc.)

Up until late 2019/early 2020, there were 4 types of “Normal”:

Personal: The individual norms for you in your daily life

Social: The norms illustrated by people within a community

Societal: The norms dictated by leadership

Digital: Easily manipulated & anonymous social & societal conduct norms

Our entire lives, we’ve relied on these sources to gauge morality & social cues. However, one thing always stood firm and clear: our PERSONAL normal should not be held to the standards of another person’s normal without educated critical thinking, research, and honest self-expression.

Today, there’s a 5th type of normal we need to figure out and function around: “The new normal”.

– The covering of faces

– Vaccination mandates & “proof of vaccination” passports

– Social isolation & gathering limitations

– New travel standards

– Business restrictions & requirements

– Daily functions shifting to predominantly online platforms

Based on government guidelines in light of Covid-19, “The New Normal’’ has spread across the world like nothing in known history! The opinions are sporadic, loud, and contradictory among groups. Some feel this is a stripping of basic freedoms for false security, while others desire the protection of the government, believing this is the answer to human health and survival.

“The New Normal” is unique because it doesn’t have its own platform or rules, but rather, is piggybacking on the integrated digital, social, and societal norm platforms we’re already used to. It’s natural to want to uphold the status quo, and assimilate to “The New Normal”. Human beings NEED a reliable and relatable tribe to survive. However, right now, we’re feeling pressure from all sides to conform without question:

– Our social groups (friends, family and co-workers)

– Our societal affiliations (churches, schools and governments)

– Our digital influences (both of the above, plus a highly addictive and manipulative nature)

Everyone’s circumstances, perspectives and consequences are unique. However, when it comes to the integration of a new morality and new social cues, we MUST take courage and responsibility to clear out the confusion between our personal normal, and the normal that other people believe we should take on. There is no beauty, diversity, or growth in just going along with what everyone else is doing without first understanding and committing to yourself.

This article is written to help you discern and develop your honest personal “normal” despite outside influences. Now as never before, people are waking up to their own creative expression and reclaiming their power! In times of mixed messages, outside influences, and the daily challenges of life in a Covid-19 world, you can too.

Activity Time! Ask yourself questions, give yourself insights.

Most of the confusion today stems from people simply not having important conversations with themselves.

– Complete openness and honesty with oneself create motivation for education!

– Education creates motivation for action!

– Action leads to your truest expression!

– Expressing your truest self leads to fulfillment & independence!

If you are supporting a stance or following a movement and don’t fully understand why, please do the exercise below! You might find yourself feeling a different way by the end.

Pick a topic you’d like to better understand about “The New Normal”. For 1 day, track any thoughts, habits, and questions on a piece of paper as you have them. The Question Guide below is a good place to start if you’re not sure how to initiate a conversation with yourself.

What topic/activity would you like to know more about?/are currently concerned about?

Do you feel educated about it – could you debate your stance? 

Do you believe it has a positive or negative impact on your lifestyle? 

Why do you think this/Why do you do it? 

Where is this belief/activity leading you? Are you open to changing your opinions if your deeper self feels contrary to your conscious self?

Do you feel it is your place, or anyone else’s place to encourage or discourage other’s personal normal?

Would encouraging or discouraging others to follow/do this impact their lifestyle freedoms?

This exercise is not about “self-improvement”, but about “self-recognition.” Dig deep, and think critically. Is the topic truly your personal normal, or is it adopted from social, societal, or digital pressures (made even stronger by the mixed messages and fear surrounding Covid-19)? Did you surprise yourself with your answers? Were you able to gain confidence in your personal normal? Maybe you’re more motivated now to do research and take action?

Regular self-checkins using this method is a great way to find clarity and balance within yourself that no outside influence can shake.

Organize a support system

No one is an island. No one is alone.

Owning your normal can be a lonely process, especially if it’s contrary to most of the people in your social, societal, and digital groups. Even so, be brave, and feel the freedom that comes with so confidently expressing 100% YOU.

Sharing your WHY alongside owning your normal will help those you love to understand you, and hopefully, keep them from trying to change you. You can also build or find a tribe who owns their normal and supports yours by filling the categories below with people who can be your tribe and/or support system. Off your support to them in return!

– People who motivate and keep you accountable to be yourself

– People who make you feel validated in your efforts and stances

– People who can offer you advice without influencing your beliefs

– People who can re-energize you when you’re drained

– People who offer a safe-space to vent

“Normal” is a diverse (never static) journey. You don’t find who you are, and then stay that person for the rest of your life. You must maintain an open heart, mind, and self-dialog to learn from experiences and develop healthy growth! Take pride, confidence and action to develop, understand, and work around “The New Normal” of a Covid-19 world.

By Kalen P C Nielsen

Holistic Practitioner

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