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Resonating with Authenticity

“This is the song I sing to you as I beat moment by moment in your being, in your heart. Bringing wholeness out of sorrow, bringing longing into fruition, bringing love into the earth of your body, into the cauldron of becoming, into the life of the spirit, bringing love into wholeness in every way

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Conversation with a World Class Psychic and Healer

An Interview with a World Class Psychic and Healer Born in the UK, Petrene Soames comes from a long line of Psychics and Seers and travelled widely before choosing to live in Texas, USA. I was lucky to have a chance to interview Petrene and learn about the amazing things she does.

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Courage is Fear which has said its Prayers

I’ve been working on creating and living my best; however, recently I experienced a frustrating emotional block which temporarily affected my spiritual writing and energy work. I hit what felt like a solid wall of fear and was similar to driving a car with one foot on the gas pedal while having the other foot on an invisible brake.

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