Calm the Nervous System with Aromatherapy
As I sit on the wicker glider on my front porch and consider the world around me, I discover that the birds are singing as they get ready for spring. I hear dogs playfully barking as people walk by.
As I sit on the wicker glider on my front porch and consider the world around me, I discover that the birds are singing as they get ready for spring. I hear dogs playfully barking as people walk by.
The pandemic of the has caused a great upheaval in all living beings worldwide. Social distancing, the shortage of vital hospital equipment, and the very loss of lives have dramatically shifted our reality into one of uncertainty and fear.
“This is the song I sing to you as I beat moment by moment in your being, in your heart. Bringing wholeness out of sorrow, bringing longing into fruition, bringing love into the earth of your body, into the cauldron of becoming, into the life of the spirit, bringing love into wholeness in every way
A certain shopkeeper sent his son to learn about the secret of happiness from the wisest man in the world. The lad wandered through the desert for forty days, and finally came upon a beautiful castle, high atop a mountain. It was there that the wise man lived.
Fear is powerful Fear is a great motivator Fear can propel change in mammoth proportions
Funny and yet sad, that the reason, the how, the intentional act of love making, denominated and demonstrated with the sense of touch is what grabs us firmly in this physical reality.
An Interview with a World Class Psychic and Healer Born in the UK, Petrene Soames comes from a long line of Psychics and Seers and travelled widely before choosing to live in Texas, USA. I was lucky to have a chance to interview Petrene and learn about the amazing things she does.
We’ve all said this at one time or another, and it’s a curious aspect of healing work. It usually happens when we want to move forward but then experience resistance flush up through what I call the “yes, but…..”s.
I’ve been working on creating and living my best; however, recently I experienced a frustrating emotional block which temporarily affected my spiritual writing and energy work. I hit what felt like a solid wall of fear and was similar to driving a car with one foot on the gas pedal while having the other foot on an invisible brake.
If you’ve recently experienced unexpected restlessness or noticed unusual internal fidgeting, then you may be feeling what is similar to the caterpillar in its cocoon when it’s time to emerge as a butterfly.