


Fear is powerful
Fear is a great motivator

Fear can propel change in mammoth proportions
Fear can lead you astray
Fear can lead you home

Channel the fear
Overcome the fear 
Grow with the fear

All life begins with fear
Newborn life being expelled
Out into a new world.
Eyes wide with fear.
Legs and arms kicking with fear,
Needing to be soothed, reassured.

Ride the wave of fear.
Take control of this great wave of fear.
Become strong with the fear.
Let the fear become a muscle to be flexed
In time of need.  

All life ends with fear.
Leaving the known for the unknown.
Receiving no answers, trusting in faith.
Asking in their hearts anyway. 
Did the clerics tell lies?
Lies to empower themselves?
Is it truly, you are dust and nothing more?
In the end, will fear become Faith?

By  Antoinette Swaney

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