Aquarius: The Awakener

The sign of Aquarius is the 11th sign of the zodiac (January 22 through February 21). Developmentally from about sixty-eight to eighty, Aquarius, ruled by the transpersonal planet, Uranus is a sign interested in awakening the collective to concepts and ideas that revolutionize outdated ultra conservative systems and rules that keep society stuck.

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Shadow Work and Your Astrology Part 10

Destructive and Dangerous to Ignore Our Shadow Self The possibility of the dark side taking over and becoming dominant in an individual is more prevalent and common in those who do not take the time to question themselves and really evaluate their behavior in daily interactions with others. People who are overly identified with how “good” they are can be the most vulnerable because they are so lopsided. No one can be good all the time. It’s humanly impossible.

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Sagittarius – The Philosopher

Now what can be in the Shadow? The opposite sign of the zodiac is Gemini which describes a much more scattered, flighty, and talkative sign. Unlike Sagittarius, their minds are skittish with a much shorter attention span. Curious about a multitude of ideas and subjects, they learn a little about a lot earning them the title, jack-of-all-trades. Witty, smart, even brilliant although clearly fascinated by the facile as they thrive on variety and have a distinct need for constant mental stimulation however trivial.

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Curses: The Bane of Negative Thinking

For most of us, the word ‘curse’ brings fantastical images of black magic, witches’ cauldrons, and a little “eye of newt and toe of frog” to mind. But though we may be tempted to believe they are merely fantasy, curses can, in fact, be a very real manifestation of negative thoughts.

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Libra – The Peacemaker

The sign of Libra which is the 7th sign of the zodiac (approximately Sept 23rd through October 24th) and developmentally this sign is when we begin to take others into consideration. The sign of Libra is the natural ruler of the 7th house and is the sign most interested in relating to others. Libra is also seeking to be objective as it is at the 180˚ opposition in the chart.

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Shadow Work and Your Astrology Part 7

Most of us have heard the term projection by now, but what people do not realize is that we are not the ones who is projecting. It is not something that we do of our own volition. It is our unconscious that projects itself out onto the other person. This psychological phenomenon is what we are experiencing all the time, and it is especially important that we understand what is happening when it comes to the mating experience.

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