Libra – The Peacemaker

Libra - The Peacemaker

The sign of Libra which is the 7th sign of the zodiac (approximately Sept 23rd through October 24th) and developmentally this sign is when we begin to take others into consideration. The sign of Libra is the natural ruler of the 7th house and is the sign most interested in relating to others. Libra is also seeking to be objective as it is at the 180˚ opposition in the chart. This describes two opposite characteristics in the psyche that will need to be expressed in proportion to each other. This aptly describes the symbol of Libra in the scales. It implies that in partnership we will be required to consciously create balance with our significant other. 

Libra is also a cardinal sign (self-motivating), active in social affairs and good at organizing people. Ruled by the planet Venus, Libras have a flair for art and creativity as well as a need for beauty, symmetry, and balance. This need for balance extends into relating skills as they are also very aware of equality and keeping things fair. They are strongly identified with being kind, considerate, willing to reach out to support the needs of others. Negatively, this strong need for others can become wishy washy, equivocating, placating and indirect. Fence-sitting is another Libran trait because they want to be seen as ‘nice.’ This niceness can tell a lot of little white lies in trying to keep peace. This can be detrimental to their well-being and desire to relate authentically. 

Positively, Libra is also interested in ideas and concepts as it is an air sign and therefore very mental in its orientation to life. So, thinking, reflecting, and becoming objective in their relationships is very important to Libra. Nothing is a one-way street. In the end, they strive to meet their partners halfway.

So, what could be projected into the unconscious?

The opposite sign of Libra is Aries, which is ruled by the planet of action, Mars. Aries can be selfish, anti-social and angrily self-centered when frustrations arise. Combative and impatient, they will even pick fights, especially if you do not accept your own Mars. We must all learn to stand up for ourselves! They are a vivid picture of what Libra avoids, which is conflict. Do you find yourself being the opposite? Passive aggressive. Not doing what they ask you do, or doing it deliberately slowly – well, then you have to admit you are angry too! So, say so. “I don’t want to do that,” or “I don’t like it when you do this or that”… fill in the blanks. Healthy anger expressed honestly can contribute to keeping things between you clean. Unexpressed anger can become rage. 

Hitting below the belt, irritable and quarrelsome, creating nasty scenes, this can become the battered wife or battered husband syndrome. Aggressive and passive aggressive behavior between partners may also project cowardice or weakness, therefore they are fighting with a disowned part of the self. Keep in mind that when Libra disowns Mars, they can be deliberately provoking the partner to act it out unconsciously. 

Although Aries are sexy, dynamic, and energetic people, they can also be selfish sexually, rushing the physical part of the relationship so there is an immaturity in relating. In getting passionately involved quickly, these ill-considered adventures can burn themselves out and leave feelings of animosity between partners when the relationship is over.

“Tears, sorrow and disappointment are bitter, but wisdom is the comforter in all psychic suffering. Indeed, bitterness and wisdom form a pair of alternatives: where there is bitterness wisdom is lacking, and where wisdom is there can be no bitterness.” 

– Carl Jung, Mysterium Coniunctionis, paragraph 330

When there is no longer a state of oneness or symbiosis, we find out we are indeed separate human beings and that blissful state of unity is gone. But if we value friendship, then we will not be so disappointed. We don’t expect our friends to be exactly like us, then why do we expect that from our partners? They’re not going to be exactly like us. And yes, the feeling of “being in-love“ will go away. But the love that replaces that unconscious unity is much more soul satisfying because it’s based on who each person actually is as a unique human being. There is much more tolerance and acceptance for someone we truly love as opposed to a person we are “madly in-love” with.

Wholeness, which is what we are all striving for is an intra-psychic process, so we need each other to see the mirror of our hidden selves (shadow, anima, animus). If we are willing to see the characteristics within us that our partners represented, we may find out the relationship we are in now or those that didn’t work were indeed transformative. To do this, we have to give up blame. We must see and own our own shadow. So yes, through love, loss and conflict, we have an opportunity to become more conscious than we were before. This is not easy, and it’s not done overnight so yet again I say, we must be patient with ourselves.

As more of our split-off parts get united, we head towards wholeness. This is the coveted jewel, the pearl of great price — the wholeness we really seek. To successfully navigate this goal, we must take the risk of vulnerability and authenticity by telling each other the truth. Aquarius rules freedom and truth. If we can’t do that, we will never achieve the sacred marriage to ourselves. The ‘CONUINCTIO.’

So as Lee Ann Womack says in her song, “When you get the choice to sit it out or dance — I hope you’ll dance!” 

To be continued …

Rebeca Eigen
Rebeca Eigen, an astrologer for 25+ years and author of The Shadow Dance & the Astrological 7th House Workbook specializes in relationships. From every day decisions, to critical life-altering moments, Rebeca shares with you her practical wisdom and guidance for your life’s journey in becoming who you are meant to be.

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