Working with the Phases of The Moon

Phases of the Moon

Working with the Phases of The Moon helps to more productively work with the “process” and remain more conscious of the personal opportunities presented by each New Moon.  Try to spend a little time in quiet reflection or meditation at your lunar altar just before/around each phase.

 First quarter phase

occurs on February 1st at 7:42 pm CST at 12 Taurus 40’.

Crisis in Action:  Spend some altar time in quiet reflection, meditating on awareness that has emerged regarding this month’s lunar process.  What action can you take to more freely express your “True Self” in safe, nonthreatening ways and to improve upon your ability to detach emotionally from unsupportive situations and people?  In what ways or areas of life would greater emotional detachment serve your emotional well-being?  Over the next 7 days, strive to take action as prescribed, even if it’s symbolic.

Full Moon phase

February 9th at 1:33 am CST at 20 Leo 00’.

Conscious Awareness:  Spend some time in quiet reflection and appreciation for the awareness and insight you have gained from consciously participating in the lunar work.  What do you now know and understand that you did not know 2 weeks ago regarding the areas of focus for this month?  What action have you taken (or yet need to take) to emotionally ground these areas?  How will this awareness improve upon your life experience?  

Third quarter phase

occurs on February 15th at 4:17 pm CST at 26 Scorpio 41’.

Crisis in Execution:  Spend some time in quiet reflection to consider how to incorporate your new awareness into your daily, everyday experience of living your life.  How (in what ways) can you consciously apply this understanding and wisdom in service to yourself and others? 

Balsamic Phase (“Dark of the Moon”)

occurs from February 20 – February 22

Completion of the Process: Spend some time in quiet reflection to finally and more deeply integrate the insights and wisdom gleaned from your process.  Celebrate yourself, your healthy choice to grow and evolve, and your accomplishment. Rest and prepare for the next New Moon.

New Moon of Pisces

occurs on February 23rd at 12:37 am CST at 04 Pisces 29’.

Initiate your altar.  Spend some time in quiet reflection, meditating on the lunar “work” you would like to focus on and accomplish over the next month.  What debilitating emotional experience(s) (i.e. those that cause regret, shame, recurring sadness, resentment, unfulfilled longing, etc.) do you want/need to forgive and release at this time?  What form(s) of creative self-expression or meditative activity do you value and allow yourself to experience? 

Kim McSherry

Institute of Astrology

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