The Lunar Altar

Lunar Altar

Along with “working the phases” of the Moon, I encourage you to consider creating a Lunar Altar each month.  Your lunar altar is a place to help you focus your intentions, seek spiritual support to achieve your goals (the lunar work of that month), and demonstrate your value and respect for this work.  It should be placed in a relatively private, “psychically clear” place where you alone have access to it, and where you will be in its energy on a daily basis.  The Lunar Altar and its pieces are based on your purely subjective choices.  Throughout the month, your altar may change or evolve as consciousness of the emotional work in progress grows.  Based on my own purely subjective choices and many decades of experience with creating and using altars, I suggest that your altar initially include the following:  An altar cloth composed of a color, fabric, and style to symbolize the New Moon sign; An altar candle, the color, fragrance, etc. of which symbolizes or is ruled by the New Moon sign; A Goddess symbol of the Feminine Principle that best represents the New Moon sign; A gemstone or rock that is ruled by or represents the sign of the New Moon; The metal that is ruled by or represents the sign of the New Moon;  The element (or symbols of the element) of the astrological sign of New Moon focus (Fire, Earth, Air, Water).  Note: Many believe that symbols of each element should be included on every altar); Specific objects of personal meaning that help you connect with the month’s lunar work. 

Your altar is a purely subjective experience based on what feels right to you.  The following ideas may help get you started as you create your lunar altar for the Aquarian Lunation:

Color for altar cloth/candle:  Cobalt Blue, Pale Yellow, Violet; “Electric”/Neon or changeable colors.

Fragrance/Oil/Herb:  Neroli, mentally stimulating/clarifying scents, dragonwort, frankincense, myrrh

Goddess:  All Goddesses who are honored for intellect (bringing knowledge or wisdom to the people),

            mental clarity, humanitarian love/service/sacrifice; All “Star” Goddesses: Greek Athena,

            Sumerian Inanna; Egyptian Nut; Celtic Brigit; Atlantean Atlantia; All “New Age” Goddess

            Imagery.(as opposed to the traditional depictions of The Goddess).         

In Tarot:  Meditate on The Fool (Key 0) and The Star (Key 17)

Stones & Gems:  Obsidian, opals, sapphires, amber, chalcedony, lapis lazuli

Metal:  Lead (co-ruler Saturn); Uranium; Zinc (Uranian metals)

Element of Emphasis:  Air

Specific Objects:  Symbols of Freedom (Birds)/Individuation; Symbols of Humanitarian Causes/

Reform/Organizations with which you align, friends, symbols of changes you desire to create in your life; Symbols of Intellect/ Knowledge/ “Freethinkers”/Abstract Languages you value or aspire to learn (i.e.  People with “great or unique minds”, astrology, etc.); Healing Sounds (chimes, meditation tapes, sounds that transport you to to other dimensions, etc. ); Symbols of Rays, Waves, energetic emanations yet to be defined (i.e. higher vibrations) to symbolize invisible levels of communication (i.e. intuition, ESP, “Psychic” ability, reiki, etheric vision, chakras, etc.) you might wish to develop; A cute, loveable rat to honor the Chinese New Year, which always coincides with the New Moon of Aquarius!

By Kim McSherry

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