What is Divine Energy and where does it come from?

Mark Okita

Before I answer any more questions, I would like to say something about my role as a healer. Whether assisting someone during an individual session, or doing Energy Work for the world, or sharing in writings such as these, my role is to be a pure conduit for Divine Energy. However, there are distinct differences in the way that this manifests in each of these cases. When doing individual healing sessions, my role is to meet the person exactly where she/he is in order to facilitate the next best step for that utterly unique individual, at that specific moment in time, whether that be for physical and emotional healing or spiritual awakening. Whereas my role in writing is to share broad and deep spiritual truths that may palpate something within. Even if these writings may not always seem useful or even intelligible, their purpose is to awaken the dormant power of the Divine within. Think of these articles as pointers to True North. Even if the way is not clear, and even if it may not even seem possible, they are designed to energetically awaken a deep inner Knowing of our authentic Loving and Powerful Self.

What is Divine Energy, and where does it come from?

I love this question because it gets to the very heart of what Healing is and the nature of Reality itself. Divine Energy is the undivided, unlimited, unconditioned, unified yet infinite Power, Love and Intelligence of the Universe. From a scientific viewpoint, it is the evolutionary life force with its inherent intelligence and power to create and transform. Experientially, it has been called Kundalini, Shakti, Holy Spirit, Aliveness-Consciousness-Bliss, Life Force and Divine Energy.

I often say that more important than the words, is the Divine Energy infused within, between and beyond the words. To many of us, that just sounds like magical thinking at best or outright delusional at its worst. However, consider that everything the mind can know, no matter how vast, accurate or impressive it may be, is not the actual Life Force or Divine Energy. They are only representations. We cannot experience the wilderness by looking at a map. We do not gain the benefits of exercise by watching sports or work-out videos. The menu is not the food that will bring nourishment. If we mistake the menu for the food and eat it, we miss the gustatory delight of that delicious meal and will also have our just deserts of severe indigestion! That is a perfect metaphor for what happens when we place too much emphasis on concepts – it ends up separating ourselves from the incredible joy of being and creates much needless suffering.

One of my favorite sayings is “Truth is Life Energy.” (Life Energy being synonymous with Divine Energy.) We often think of something as “true” as that which is opposed to something that is “false” or “wrong.” This sets up an inherent duality which is the source of all strife between nations and peoples because one person’s truth is another person’s blasphemy. Truth can also be understood in terms of its ability to represent something as factual. But as we all know, new discoveries are constantly being made and what is “true” is continually being revised.

“Truth is Life Energy” means that the REAL Truth is not some position, belief or conceptual representation, no matter how accurate or compelling. The term “Truth” as it is used here points to the Energy of Life itself as it shows up NOW. It is the Life Force that is the source of all. While it allows us to have all ideas of right and wrong, true and false, good and evil, it is Itself beyond all duality. The life living in a tree or a shining star is not good or evil, right or wrong. It just is. Life is the only thing that has any reality. All else are just mental constructs. This isness is beyond contempt because how can one say that Life is wrong? That would be nonsensical. Not only nonsensical, but it would be the pinnacle of egoic arrogance to say that we know better than the very Life that sustains us and all of creation. This Energetic Truth is the actual Life Force in this moment. It is REALITY, prior to the beliefs and perceptions of Reality.

If we can make this evolutionary leap from ego/mind to Energy/Love, the ramifications for us as individuals, as well as for humanity as a whole, are enormous. Imagine being free of the need to defend the flimsy mind-based sense of self and the resulting compulsion to manipulate, judge and attack others in an attempt feel safe and superior. Imagine being free of the persistent fear of LACK – lack of Love, lack of security, lack of abundance, lack of worth, that is the hallmark of a mind-based self and reality. Imagine experiencing oneself as the integral flow of Life and its inherent Wholeness, Love and Indestructibility. Imagine being aligned with Life so thoroughly and seamlessly that we would experience ourselves as an expression and extension of that Life.

Imagine governments, institutions, educational systems, economies, religions and corporations being run not by disconnected fear-based egos, but instead by individuals who are conduits for Divine Energy. If this evolutionary Intelligence has created and shepherded the diversity, complexity and immensity of all Life in such a beautiful and harmonious way, isn’t it likely that that Intelligence, channeled through the human being, would do a better job than the tiny mind trying to find the perfect solution? Imagine the mind’s colossal power to invent and create being in the service of Love rather than fear. How will this happen? By believing in the truth of these concepts and affirming them or promoting them? No! That would be falling back into a pseudo-life of ego/mind.

Divine Energy is simply REAL LIFE. It is not something gained through practice, superior education, or being an especially good person. Realizing Divine Energy is more of a process of subtraction and surrender rather than one of addition or building. The only thing in the way of realizing Divine Energy is taking our thoughts and perceptions to be more real and more important than Life Itself. It is so simple – the only reality in anything is not the concept or thought of it but the actual Life Force with its inherent Power and Intelligence. This is Divine Energy. And since that is the only thing that is real, You are Divine Energy and Divine Energy is You.

Where does it come from? This question cannot be answered in a logical way. It is like asking, “Where does life come from?” Any answer would just be a conceptual theory. How can our human mind, which is an infinitesimally small aspect of Infinite Life, figure out where it all came from? However, even if it cannot be figured out on a mental level, tracing our own life, our own consciousness back to its source can result in a profound revelation – something truly helpful, liberating, and empowering.

How to open yourself to Life Energy and Love? Are there any techniques?

I am not a big fan of techniques because they are prone to the ego/mind coopting them and incorporating them into its mind-made egoic structure. Techniques often end up being enticing attachments that make true Liberation even more complicated and onerous. Using the movie The Matrix as a metaphor, it would be like having spiritual experiences within the false identity of the matrix which would make one content to remain in the illusion of the matrix. In that movie, it would be like choosing the steak over Reality.

Hence, the primary “technique” that I recommend and the only one that ultimately works, is AWARENESS. Awareness is the most powerful transformative force in the Universe because it is the only force that can reveal Reality. LOVE AND LIFE ENERGY IS EVER-PRESENT. It doesn’t have to be worked on or cultivated. It is not about a small “me” attaining enlightenment or some other grandiose accomplishment. It is a fundamental shift in identity from the thoughts/images of a “me” to an Energetic Reality. The realization I AM Infinite Life Energy will happen naturally when we see that the representations and simulations of life (such as thoughts and language) are not Real Life Itself.

Most significantly, the Divine Energy within, between, and beyond these words palpate that same Divine Energy within you which naturally loosens the obsession with taking thoughts to be so real and important. An Awakening of a more satisfying and liberating Love then becomes possible.

Why do some countries/nations seem to struggle more than others? Are there peoples that are less “loved or more loved?” What is happening on their collective level?

The answer to this question is extremely complex because it would entail going into the unique details of a Soul’s evolution for every single individual. Suffice it to say that each person in the exact same situation, for example in a war-torn country, will be gleaning different and utterly unique life experiences and lessons. For example, one person may feel like a victim while another may realize inner strengths they never knew they had (or an infinite number of other possibilities). The point is that all life experiences, for each individual, are designed to facilitate awakening in the most efficient and Loving way possible for that individual.

Hence, we may begin to marvel at the Infinite Intelligence and Love of the Divine and its ability to oversee and orchestrate something that is both extraordinarily complex as well as overwhelmingly compelling in a way that is ultimately and individually Liberating and Loving. If this seems impossible and unbelievable, perhaps that is precisely the purpose of this life – to go from trying to understand  Infinite Life from a tiny finite mind, to directly experiencing the Intelligence and Love of Divine Energy.

It seems incomprehensible that we would choose to be born into a war-torn country (as just one example). However, consider that those choices were made before incarnation from a Higher Realm where we had full awareness of our overall Soul mission/path as well as Guidance from Higher Beings. The primary purpose of incarnating is to have experiences that will liberate us from the death-grip of the ego. For virtually all of us who incarnate on this planet, completing the life mission of awakening to the Divine in such a dense and fear-ridden reality is so powerful and compelling that we JOYFULLY and WILLINGLY want to come here for this experience. It is the forgetting and the re-remembering under such seemingly impossible conditions that make Self-Realization so awesome, stunning, and marvelous beyond words.

Why is the world so full of greed, cruelty, and suffering?

There is only one answer – the EGO. Virtually all of humanity is currently possessed by the ego. What do I mean by ego? It is a self-identity that is based on a concept or mental image (“self-image”) rather than on real Life itself. Because it is not real, not actually living, but only an image, there is a persistent and excruciatingly disturbing feeling of lack. Lack of safety, lack of security, lack of LOVE, lack of wholeness, lack of power, lack of worth, etc. In addition, this delusion makes one feel separate from all of Life including nature and other humans. The combination of the flimsy sense of self together with the experience of being separate from Life makes one feel exceptionally vulnerable. This is the cause of all greed, cruelty, and suffering. Greed and cruelty are responses to that pervasive sense of lack – they are attempts to feel powerful. And because it never works, those attempts become more desperate, sophisticated, and aggressive. Suffering is the cause AND the result of greed and cruelty.

Is there anything else you would like to say about Divine Energy?

Yes! Divine Energy contains within it the only Power and Intelligence that can resolve the conflicts of the world, unify yet celebrate the diversity of cultures, peoples, and religions, bring a truly satisfying and uplifting purpose for each unique individual as well as humanity as a whole, and bring about the next scientific and spiritual revolution of realizing that matter and spirit are One, and that the Source of Life cannot be found in an ultimate particle or unit of measure, but is the very Conscious Aliveness which is witnessing AND infusing the glorious amphitheater of Life called the Universe.

This will occur not through some social or political revolution, but through individual human beings Awakening to their true essence as Divine Energy. Like all other aspects of nature, we will become conduits of the Divine, NATURALLY doing what is best for ourselves, each other, and the planet. The difference from the rest of nature, however, is that we humans, because of our sovereign free will –  which has brought us to the brink of self-destruction, will now bring an added dimension of inexpressible Divine Clarity, Love, and Exultation because our Oneness with the Divine will have occurred through CONSCIOUS CHOICE.

Divine Energy has created all of the myriad beings throughout the Universe. Its immortal Light of Intelligence has infallibly guided ALL of life through all of the ages, through times of quiet gestation as well as cataclysmic upheavals to this very moment, pregnant with possibilities. This Divine Energy and Light are ready to empower and guide us to life at one with Nature, other humans beings and beings in other dimensions which will usher in a renewed life of sumptuous contentment, stunning beauty, the awakening of genius both physical and non-physical and, above all, Realization of an ineffable sublime Love. Are we ready, EACH of us as individuals, to allow this Divine Energy to begin to guide, uplift, and empower us so that our now faltering footsteps can be transformed into a grand leap forward for evolution and humanity?

Mark Okita

Mark Okita is a born energy healer and his diverse life experiences have further expanded and refined those gifts. He trained for many years in martial arts with an emphasis on meditation and the cultivation of internal energy. Mark loves nature and has had wilderness experiences in Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Mexico, New Zealand, and Peru.

His work experience has included working in the HIV/AIDS social services and medical fields. He has undergone extensive training in various forms of body and energy healing, as well as training and retreats pertaining to awakening human consciousness. He has been on numerous group and solitary retreats including a self-directed 8-year retreat. This has culminated in surrendering of his ego to the Divine so that all of his healing gifts and diverse life experiences are now in service of a more Pure, Intelligent, and Loving Energy. Mark has been a healer on a professional level since 1993 and has been doing specifically Energy Work for the past 20 years. His specialty now is distance healing and telephone sessions.

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