The Power of Forgiving


Forgiveness is a powerful choice and step to take when you’ve felt hurt or treated unfairly by someone else, a situation, or event. It’s easy to know that it needs to be done but you may resist taking steps to forgive if you have lingering anger, bitterness, or other strong emotions around what’s happened in the past.  

Healing Benefits of Forgiveness:

When you hang onto strong emotions such as unforgiveness, it can actually bind up and block important energy flow in and through your physical body and etheric/spiritual levels.  This is important energy that you could be using to create the joy, new relationships, and life that you really want now. 

By being willing to take a first step to let go and forgive, it opens you to powerful healing Universal energies and vibrational Light to release blocked or stuck energies around your pain.  It also can start softening energies around your heart chakra which opens to healthier energy flow and release as well.   

As you choose to forgive and start releasing the anger, bitterness, or blame, it activates clearing for any residual energetic hooks or cords still binding you to the past event on any level.  Once cleared, it enables you to bring your energy fully back into the present. As you do, you start living in the present moment again which is the most powerful point to create the joyful life that you want.  

Forgiving someone who has hurt you in the past isn’t always easy but can be a critical part for transforming energies to invest in your most joyful and powerful present.

Strategies and Tips to help You Forgive:

To forgive when you’ve been hurt or negatively affected by someone else’s behavior or choices can be challenging but is well worth the effort to open you to new levels of healing and hope.  

Be willing: Just by being willing to forgive, it can activate the healing process.  Start by asking for the other person’s good and for them to have what you would want for yourself.  Although difficult to do if you feel hurt or wronged by someone, it can shift lower energies of anger or bitterness to higher levels of compassion and unconditional love. These powerful vibrations cleanse hidden layers of anger or pain and release blocked emotional energies so you can start moving forward again.

Keep asking:  If you’ve done all that you can but strong feelings still linger, ask for Higher Angelic help and a spiritual healing. Ask for Higher Power healing to clear root causes of the anger, hurt, or pain. Call in powerful energies of Golden healing Light and the Violet Transmuting Flame to clear hidden emotional wounds. Universal assistance is always close, so keep asking for help with your healing and release.

Pray: To activate deep forgiveness, try prayer. Prayer is a powerful tool which reaches beyond mental and emotional resistance for deep healing.  Deliberately asking for the other person’s best activates a higher Universal level of receiving for you by clearing the pain and negativity around the situation.  It helps you stop focusing on or continually thinking of the past situation which releases its power to affect you. 

What can be learned from the pain? As painful as the event or loss may have been, is there any valuable information that can be learned? Did you give too much, stay too long, not recognize warning signs, or become aware of something to change within yourself because of the event?  Even painful or devastating situations can prompt positive change and take you in new directions or see more clearly in the future. As you forgive, can you recognize any beneficial information that can help?

Forgive yourself and learn to trust again: As you choose forgiveness, remember that the most important person to forgive might be you.  Be compassionate with yourself while you heal and be willing to give yourself the love and nurturing that you would to others. Allow yourself to start trusting again by believing that the Universe is working for your good and is already at work bringing in something much better to replace what was lost.  When you forgive and release from the past, it loses its power and hold over you in the present. Forgiveness heals your mind and heart and helps you have the energy in the present to start creating a better future. 

Forgiveness takes effort but the benefits are great.  By forgiving, you can heal and reclaim your joy, open to new levels of love, and enjoy new beginnings.

In Light, Nancy Robinson

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