November 19 is a powerful Lunar Eclipse! What do you need to know?

Lunar Eclipse

This eclipse holds a tremendous potential. This Lunar Eclipse will push us to take necessary and important steps forward.

The partial lunar eclipse on November 19, 2021 will last more than 6 hours. The last time a partial lunar eclipse lasted this long was in the year 1440, when the Incas were building the Matsou Pitsou.

 The Lunar Eclipse takes place at 27°14′ of the Sign of Taurus.

This eclipse will be of more importance to those belonging to the Signs of the Fixed Cross (Taurus, Scorpio, Leo, and Aquarius), and more specifically those born from February 14 to 18, from May 16 to 20, from August 18 to 22, and from November 17 to 21.

Also, to those who have personal planets or their Ascendant near the degrees 11° – 15° and 25° – 29° of the above Signs.


Eclipses bring forward changes and confronts us with important and meaningful realizations.

Significant in Astrology, the Eclipses are pushing us, sometimes through difficulties, to leave behind patterns of behavior, people, and situations that no longer serve us, even when we ourselves do not realize it. The Eclipses “push” us, whether we want it or not, to write the next chapter in our personal history.

On November 19, 2021 we have a Taurus Lunar Eclipse, the first of the two Eclipses that close 2021, and also the first of the eclipses that take place on the Taurus-Scorpio Axis. Mark that this is the axis that will host all (!) of the eclipses in 2022.

The Main Themes

The Lunar Eclipse on November 19th brings emotional peaks that relate to the theme of the Taurus – Scorpio, and forces us to completely change our perceptions as to what financial and emotional security really means and what makes us strong.

Relationships, situations, people, and even jobs that don’t fulfil us emotionally will most possibly come to an end soon after this eclipse, or ALTERNATIVELY this eclipse marks the beginning of their end that will come within the next six to seven months.

It is existential issues that are raised by this eclipse. What do we want from our lives? What fills our soul?  What is better – to live in a golden cage or follow your true Nature at all costs? Do we feel self-sufficient? Is it that maybe we have placed our value and therefore our strength upon someone or something else?

The Lunar Eclipse in Taurus will clearly reveal power games and make us deeply aware of how and why they exist. After this, nothing will be the same…

There is a great intensity of emotions that this eclipse will bring to the fore and unfortunately, we will/may act with exaggeration and lack of moderation, since what we have so long suppressed will suddenly and unexpectedly overwhelm us. It is the overflowing of the emotional dam after many attempts to keep up appearances.

Excess of feelings and also a desire for liberation for some others – this Eclipse will spark a desire for independence and liberty.

It is advisable to weigh all risks and not act on excessive optimism and frivolous decisions. Control your impulses and avoid overstatements.


This Eclipse will also bring sudden twists and turns that you did not expect. This can happen because Mars in opposition to Uranus is an aspect of the eclipse that acts revolutionary, explosively and turns things upside down, further accelerating the inevitable changes.

This aspect can also make – especially those of you who have personal planets near 13° of the Taurus-Scorpio axis – to announce important and long-thought decisions that will surprise and upset others with your revelations!

I say this because in the chart of the eclipse at 12° and 13° degrees where Mars and Uranus are, there exists the “calculating towards self-interest” help of Venus at 12° Capricorn.

Venus from this point is in trine aspect to Uranus and a sextile to Mars, something that suggests that the sudden announcement is not sudden at all, and that behind the seemingly impulsive decisions, there is… calculation, self-interest, and secret motives.


I would like to end my analysis of this very difficult eclipse, which will affect us all by prompting you to be cautious for accidents, especially if you are in one of the Fixed Zodiac Signs, as well as of “accidents” of another nature, since the Jupiter-Moon square combined with the whole energy of the eclipse can bring unexpected pregnancies.

This is a difficult eclipse but fortunately there is a positive aspect as the Moon is in a trine to Pluto in Capricorn. This aspect gives us emotional strength, determination, and hardens us to face any difficulties.

This eclipse holds a tremendous potential. This Lunar Eclipse will push us to take necessary and important steps forward.

I wish you to all to have a positive eclipse that will move you onwards!

Andrew Ifandis

Certified astrologer and author from Greece, known for his insightful consultations and accuracy in predictions.

Schedule your personal consultations by visiting his website

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