How to protect yourself from the dangers of EMF & 5G radiation

How to protect yourself from the dangers of EMF & 5G radiation

What may be causing you dis-ease is more common than you think

Could you function in modern society without the technological  advancements of our lifetime? When we’re completely honest with ourselves, the luxuries of today are either so convenient we would never WANT to give them up, or so intertwined with our professional and personal lives, we feel we CAN’T give them up. 

In this article you’ll learn:

What an EMF is, and how it affects your health

Why glutathione could benefit almost everyone

Additional protections for your family

The danger is NOT over-exaggerated

­Electromagnetic frequencies (EMF): Radiation waves of the electromagnetic field traveling through space. 

Oxidative tissue damage, system disruptions, and chemical imbalances result in some of leading diseases of today. Things like cancer, neurodegenerative disease, hormonal imbalance, body aches and pains, chemical dysregulation, organ damage, autoimmune conditions, etc. can all be results of EMF exposure.

In nature, EMFs come from the sun, volcanic activity, and the Earth’s own magnetic fields. We can manage brief exposures of this type. However, humanity has created devices that emit their own EMFs; which are substantially more dangerous and saturate society.

The contradicting science about EMF harm ultimately comes down to who conducted the study and wrote the article. Check out the studies below and make educated decisions for your future!

There are 2 types of electromagnetic frequencies to be aware of:

Tour your home and work space for EMF-emitting appliances that might be affecting you. Maybe you can’t sleep because your fuse box is on the opposite side of the wall from your bed, or your brain gets foggy once you sit down to your computer. Today EMFs are untethered and running WILD. Identifying the problems and your reaction is the best place to start!

Glutathione! Then more Glutathione!

Glutathione is called the “master antioxidant”. It’s a naturally occurring amino-acid compound formed in the liver. It’s made from Cysteine, Glutamic Acid, and Glycine. Upping glutathione means being prepared for the onslaught of free-radicals caused by EMF radiation. Unfortunately, it’s impossible to block out ALL the EMFs in our environment, so the most secure action is to focus on the inside.

Glutathione deficiency can lead to more frequent/higher risks for infections, enlarged spleen, acidosis, autoimmune conditions, neurological diseases or anemia. All of these conditions may be due to a weakened immune system or heightened free-radical density. Making this heavy-hitter a staple in your life could prevent several EMF-induced conditions and enhance overall function!

Go beyond the bare minimum

Stones/Geometry   |   Earthing   |   Nutritional Supplements

When protecting yourself from EMF radiation, the tools you use will either absorb negative energy, provide positive energy, or transmute negative energy into positive energy.

1 – Stones/Geometry:

Geometry truly is the Divine expression of life! Specifically structured atoms create the beautiful diversity of the universe! Below are the most effective tools against EMF radiation. Remember, these tools are to be respected as part of you. Keep them close to your body, refresh them daily on Selenite, and keep them personal (they’re most effective when attuned to your energy signature).

2 – Earthing

You’ve probably heard of the techniques: 

Walking barefoot

Submersing in water

Grounding mats or shoes

Using metal wire & rods to ground your home

These practices stabilize the body’s physiology; improving inflammation, stress, energy levels, and boosting overall function. 

You are not only protected from EMFs by the grounding, but you are able to drain negativity that may be circulating your body!

3 – Nutritional Supplements

Every immune-boosting and detoxifying supplement will help your body be prepared to protect you from EMF radiation! You can add these to your glutathione regiment and it’s supporting supplements. 

An organic, minimally processed multivitamin 

– containing at least Vitamins A, C, D3, E

An organic, minimally processed B-complex 


Fish oil








By Kalen P C Nielsen

Holistic Practitioner


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