Cat-tivating Bonds: Exploring the Healing Magic of Feline Companionship

Cat-tivating Bonds

Discover the remarkable healing powers of cats and their enduring bond with humans from ancient civilization to present day.

For a long time, most people believed that cats originated from Egypt 4,000 years ago. However, archaeologists have found evidence that contradicts this notion. They have discovered fossils and DNA evidence of humans buried with their feline friends dating back to 12,000 years ago. In ancient Egypt, cats held a significant place in society, and they were worshiped as gods by Egyptians, including the Pharaohs. Killing these revered creatures was considered a crime punishable by death. In fact, the Egyptians’ opponents would sometimes employ a sneaky trick during battles by bringing cats with them, rendering the Egyptians unable to fire their weapons. 

Cats have always been known as natural hunter even as domesticated animals today. It is no surprise, then, that they were often “employed” as mouse-catches to protect crops from rodents and vermin. These feline companions proved to be very useful to them. However, why were cats believed to possess divine characteristics? What did the Egyptians know or feel about cats that we don’t? 

Research has shown that cats can provide emotional support by improving moods and morale of their owners, and they achieve this through purring. Have you ever experienced sadness and had your cat climbs into your lap, purring, and nuzzling against you? Or perhaps they follow you around, meowing and rubbing up against you. Purring is not just a sign of contentment; it is believed that cats purr with the intention of healing their human companions. The vibration produced by purring are thought to have a therapeutic effect, promoting relaxation and reducing stress. It’s truly remarkable how cats instinctively employ purring as a means to comfort and support their owners.

Cat’s purr at a frequency between 25 and 150 hz. Researchers have found that vibrations in these ranges can have therapeutic effects such as bone healing, pain relief, swelling reductions, wound healing, muscle growth, etc. Cats purr at the exact frequencies needed for healing!

Cats have the remarkable ability to heal not only their humans but also themselves. They can experience stress and anxiety, and interestingly, their purring serves as a self-soothing mechanism. You may observe that when cats are injured, recovering from a surgery, or in pain, they tend to purr more frequently. This increased purring is believed to promote healing within their own bodies, just as it does for us.

Our feline friends can provide numerous health benefits that can positively impact us in the long run. Owning a cat has been linked to a 30 percent reduction in the risk of heart disease, as they naturally help reduce our stress levels. Studies have revealed that 41 percent of people have reported improved sleep when sharing their beds with their cats, with some even preferring their feline companions over their partners. Additionally, Dr. June Nicolls has found that women are more likely to be attracted to men who own cats, as these men are perceived as more caring in nature. Furthermore, a study conducted by the National Institutes of Health found that exposing children under a year old to cats can reduce their likelihood of developing various allergies. 

Beyond being delightful companions, their presence provides profound emotional support, and healing. 

Let us cherish the extraordinary bond we share with these magnificent creatures, for in their delightful presence, we find ourselves immersed in a realm of love, joy, and transformative well-being.

Cierra West
MIS Researcher and writer

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