The Solar Eclipse of April 8, 2024

The Solar Eclipse of April 8, 2024

 The Art of Being

Eclipses involve the eternal dance between The Sun (Divine Masculine), which “shines light” on things, facilitating conscious awareness, and The Moon (Divine Feminine), which holds and stores our unconscious beliefs, programs, and patterns of behavior based on our stored memories.   Aligning with the transiting Nodes of the Moon, they occur across the same astrological house axis for about 1.5 years, heralding a “major house cleaning” of the areas of life ruled by that axis.   A 19-year cycle, this same eclipse pattern occurred in 2005 and 1986, by day and degree, so, for the sake of comparison, the same energy dynamic is in play this year.  Eclipses serve as an “evolutionary report card”.  Although the pattern repeats, the experiences we create to test it are different, and, being “older and wiser”, we will respond to those experiences differently, with a higher level of consciousness and maturity.

The solar eclipses this year will occur across the Aries-Libra axis, emphasizing the relationship between personal identity and sense of self (Aries) and the reflections we choose to support and further grow that Self (Libra).  The first half of the year will be under the influence of the very dramatic Total Solar Eclipse of April 8, 2024, which joins forces with the North Node, Mercury, Chiron and Eris, all in the sign of Aries.   This eclipse will be especially dynamic and potentially more transformative than usual, especially in the United States, which falls in the shadow of the eclipse.  The eclipse also joins the natal Chiron return and forms a challenging aspect to the Cancer stellium in the chart of the U.S.  Many nations, including America, are in the throes of a major “identity crisis” right now, with core principles and current leadership being questioned and challenged, both internally and externally.  For the ancients, eclipses heralded “the rise and fall of kings and kingdoms”, especially in those lands falling in the shadow of the eclipse.   

On the global front, Martian energy will prevail and the archetype of The Warrior will resonate strongly on the collective level.   A certain amount of volatility and unpredictability accompanies this eclipse, so much attention will be given to areas of the world engaged in war, and new conflagrations are sure to arise. The “war machine”, already engaged around the globe, is likely to go into overdrive, which is great for the economy, but not so great for global peace of mind.   Alliances will be tested and challenged, and new alliances are likely to be formed in surprising and unexpected ways.  The more challenging expression of Aries may show up in Self and others as “me first” with a vengeance, inappropriate aggression, or displaced “red energy”, like anger, passion, sexual libido, impulsive and reckless risk-taking behavior without thought or concern for consequences,  and a blatant disregard for the feelings/needs of others.  For many, survival skills will be tested in some way, as well.  

We have all been involved in our own kind of personal exploration for the past few years as Chiron (the “Wounded Healer”), Eris (Goddess of Discord and Justice), and The North Node (Life Path awareness and redirection/”Soul Work”) have made their long journeys through Aries.  Wounds around identity have been exposed and the pressure to “heal” those wounds is great. This eclipse will bring their lessons to the foreground and emphasize the work we’ve all been doing to redefine personal identity and create new vehicles and life structures through which to assert it.  For many, a new version of reality has emerged as a result of a new level of self-awareness.  Newly discovered aspects of Self and identity are sure to be tested.  Intensified by The Chinese Year of the Dragon energy, many are inspired to create new careers, form new relationships, find new places to live, and adapt new lifestyles.  We have become more familiar with our “Warrior Within”, dusted off our shields and sharpened our weaponry, or replaced it altogether with new weapons we have learned to wield over the past three years.  The impetus to turn the page and begin anew, coupled with the courage that comes from having survived challenging times, is strong. 

“Who Am I, really, and how well is this new understanding of Self reflected in the way I live my life?” is a major question on everyone’s mind these days.  The need to share and assert this new version of Self with others is strong, especially those whose image of me doesn’t jive with who I have become/am becoming.   Intimate/bonded relationships are especially subject to a certain level of disruption, as these are the most likely people in our lives to be highly invested in their version of us, for the sake of their own security.   When our sense of Self changes, we cease to be “predictable”, and intimate/ bonded relationships are threatened.   Ideas about what is important and valuable in relationships have shifted, and there is less willingness to devote time and energy to hang on to what no longer supports and validates Self, Version 2.0.  Under the influence of this eclipse, The Goddess of Discord is likely to impulsively sever ties with any reflections that cannot support a new, more authentic version of Self.    

The reconstruction of one’s personal identity (the variables and aspects of Self previously unexplored or denied), holds the promise of many “new beginnings”.   For the three months around the total Solar Eclipse in April, a healthy level of impulse control, patience, and mature decision-making skills must be applied in order to avoid some of the pitfalls of the darker side of Aries.   Testing our physical limits and survival skills through exercise and healthy competition,  especially with Self, is a great way to temper the impulsive fire of Aries.   It is important to remember that, even though you may be one of those highly conscious people who has a handle on your own triggers and “buttons”, you are still living in a world where many don’t.   Honing our “spidey sense” and learning to honor our instincts will protect us from confrontations with those less conscious souls who lack impulse control.   When confrontation is evitable, call upon your potent, virile “Warrior Within”, a character made more real, and living a little closer to the edge of consciousness these days.  If nothing else, He/She knows how to duck!  It is a delicate balance, to be both brave and courageous, and conscious and wary of the “red” energy that permeates your environment at the same time.  If you have been doing your Aries homework over these past few years, you are more self-aware than most.  May your new beginnings be blessed!

Kimberly McSherry

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