What is the meaning of recent pivotal events?

April 2020

We have been shaken to the core. While it is understandably disturbing, what if this fierce upheaval has infused within it a fierce Love? And what if this Love is presenting us with profound benefits and blessings in the most essential ways? As true as this may be, these blessings are extremely challenging to see, let alone experience, because it is taking us beyond our comfort zone and expanding our horizons far beyond the familiar.

This is difficult and downright terrifying for our ego, our small self, which has become comfortable with the safe and familiar. As the familiar fades away, or is forcibly ripped away, this brings up all of our deepest fears. But this is a blessing in disguise. These are unprecedented times of upheaval, and upheaval means a forceful lifting up and raising upward.

This upheaval has two meanings, one pointing to the overall purpose and the other to the specific ways that we can ride this huge Energetic Wave and receive the illuminations, liberations and empowerments which are richly imbedded in these times by the Divine.

The overall purpose and movement of this Divine Energy is to lift humanity out from being stuck in an egoic, material-based life and raise us up to a life aligned with Spirit, Consciousness, Love, Awareness and Divine Energy.

The primary thing in the way of humanity’s awakening has been unconscious and deeply held FEAR. It is not enough to consciously align ourselves with Love and the Divine. We need to completely See and Release all of the hidden pockets of fear; all of that stuck energy that has built up for lifetimes of countless traumatic fearful experiences.

The reason that releasing this fear is so important is that fear of lack is the true cause of all war, greed, pollution and all of human unhappiness. Think about it, what is the intention behind such destructive acts? Isn’t it a desperate attempt to feel powerful, safe and whole through external means?

Which brings us to one of the specific ways this Divine Energy Wave is assisting us to awaken, even though it may be quite uncomfortable and disconcerting. This intensely bright, revealing and activating Light is bringing to the surface deeply buried fear – stuff that would be difficult or impossible to get at even with the best of human help and intentions.

It may seem like we are so easily triggered into a state of fear now. It may seem like our faith and trust is diminished when we have waves of dread or panic. But, consider that it is not that we are stuck in fear or succumbing to collective human fear, but that it is coming up for RELEASE. Even the collective human fear is actually the Divine giving all of humanity the opportunity to release huge amounts of fear that would normally not be possible. It is a very leveraged time!

So how does one make the most of these most uncomfortable times? It is all about AWARENESS . . . and the Divine will do the rest! Awareness does not mean thinking, getting more information or trying to change one’s attitude. Awareness is simply being aware of what is without any storytelling. It is neutral, wide open, accepting and boundless. It is true Love. It is Presence.

A useful and potent portal to this Awareness is placing attention on body sensations without any need to figure out, change or heal. Sit back and watch the Divine release that fear. It may be physically uncomfortable, even painful, but this direct Awareness has the true power to heal. This Awareness is Divine Love.

It may seem bottomless because there are so many layers after so many lifetimes. But there is an end to fear, if we have the courage to persist on this path. Our life will open up to Love, Liberation and Empowerment. The Divine is taking care of us in the most amazingly Loving way. To directly experience this, all we need to do is surrender our deepest fears.

So, few humans have as yet opened to this Truth of Unconditional Love because we have been so conditioned to judge and resist fear. Beneath this fear is our true Self. This self is not a special human being with special qualities and powers. No. You are the shimmering radiance of Life Itself! You are boundless, yet embody unique gifts, qualities and vibrations to enjoy and share with the rest of us!

We will begin to see more and more individuals coming into this state of grace, power and Love as we ride this huge Divine Wave. Surf’s Up!

Mark Okita

Mark is a natural energy healer with training in bodywork techniques such as Craniosacral Therapy and Trigger Point Therapy. 

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