From March 1 through April 12, 2025, the planet Venus travels in retrograde motion, affording us the opportunity to review, re-evaluate, redefine and “upgrade” our value systems. Venus is the character within (internal psychic construct) that defines that which we value, and therefore seek to attract into our lives. She rules both the aesthetic sense (definer of beauty) and the sensory/physical Pleasure Principle. Her role as Lover/Seductress defines our feminine sexual ideal and our capacity to use our “feminine wiles” to draw to us that which we deem to be worthy or define as a valuable resource. She is our evaluator of resources, and holds the key to our own “natural” resources, those qualities, abilities and innate skills that we need to develop and grow to achieve our greatest creative potential. Instinctually, Venus is the feminine survival instinct, to “tend and befriend” and preserve community/social alignments as a source of support, as opposed to the Mars ruled masculine survival instinct of “fight or flight” and the need to protect/defend territory against all perceived threats. An important aspect of the feminine survival instinct the need to prioritize those things that makes life worth living. Without pleasure and beauty, life would indeed be a journey without joy, uninspiring drudgery and not quite worth it for many. In Tarot, she is the Empress, pregnant with creative potential, and holding the secret to its manifestation.
Mythologically, Venus is symbolized in all cultures as a powerful Goddess Principle of great paradox. She is the Greek Athena, Goddess of both Love and War. For the Sumerians, She is Inanna/Ishtar, the Goddess of Fertility and the fierce and fickle disrupter of peace, often surrounded by death and disaster. Astrologically, that same paradox is evidenced by the fact that, traditionally, She is considered to be the ruler of both practical, earthy, fixed Taurus, and relationship oriented, airy, cardinal Libra, two extremely different signs by nature. Perhaps it’s time to embrace a new ruler for Libra, one that reflects the fiercer, warrior side of Venus. I propose that the perfect candidate for this role is Eris, Goddess of Discord, discovered twenty years ago in January 2005. As always, the discovery of a new planet heralds humanity’s evolutionary readiness to make a quantum leap in consciousness and embrace a new level of awareness regarding the principles of both the sign (Libra) and planet (Venus) previously associated with, now being replaced by, the new planetary character. As a Goddess of Justice, Eris clearly symbolizes the masculine warrior side of Venus, and Her ability to use strategy and guile to achieve balance at all cost. The rationale behind this change in rulership is the stuff of a future article. For now, suffice it to say, our understanding of Venus, and the work of this retrograde cycle, is greatly enhanced by focusing on Her areas of rulership aligned with earthy, practical Taurus.
This particular retrograde cycle begins in Aries, the Warrior Goddess aspect of Venus, and carries us back into Pisces, Her most unconditionally loving and vulnerable visage. Issues of self-worth and self-esteem loom large as we actively engage in the process of re-evaluating that which we deem to have worth and value in our lives. Most people have been engaged in some form of an identity crisis for quite some time now, with Chiron in Aries since 2018 and the Moon’s North Node transiting Aries since 2023. We’ve invested a lot of energy in redefining ourselves and navigating resistance to a new sense of Self encountered by those heavily invested in the old version of Self.
It is always challenging to assert a new version of Self to the world, as it tends to threaten those closest to us and risks rejection from previous social/cultural alignments no longer compatible with one’s growth. It is easy to fall into self-doubt in response to such reflections. As Venus travels retrograde, we have the opportunity to assess and work on our own level of self-worth as it is measured by the reflections in our lives. Simply put, people who value themselves do not align with others who don’t. They assume that they are worthy of love, respect and support from others, and will tolerate nothing less. People who value themselves allow for guilt free pleasure in their lives and willingly engage with people and things that delight the senses and enhance beauty, whatever they perceive that to be. Venus retrograde is an excellent time to assess the reflections in our lives. Do I choose to fill my life with people, things and activities that bring me joy and reflect a healthy level of self-esteem, self-worth and self-love? Are my “desires” attainable goals, or simply pipedreams that serve to make me miserable with unfulfilled longing? Do I prioritize (schedule and plan for) pleasurable experiences (things, people, activities) in my life?
Venus retrograde is a good time to evaluate and assess the stability of our resources on all levels. As we grow and experience life, the things that have greatest value for us change. What constitutes a “precious resource” today is likely to be very different from what it was five years ago. Value systems must evolve with us, and every so often, it is important to adapt our goals and pursuits to accommodate the upgrade. This might take the form of a subtle shift in perception, like the awareness that you are no longer drawn to collect antique dishes, or a particular color pallet that no longer pleases your aesthetic, so it’s time to redecorate. But sometimes this requires a dramatic change in lifestyle choices. If owning that home becomes a burden, the freedom of apartment living becomes enticing. Time and peace of mind become more precious than the income earned from that job you’ve grown to hate. Alone time becomes preferable to the energy drain of meaningless social engagement. If resources like freedom, time, peace of mind and need for space grow in value, and prove to be incompatible with your current lifestyle choices, now is the time to explore alternatives. Although the period of retrograde motion is not the time to act on the impulse of new awareness, it is an excellent time to explore the possibilities, play with new ideas, and plan and strategize for future action to be taken.
Venus retrograde is a good time to explore creative potential and work to develop innate talents and natural abilities, and to hone skills. These are, in fact, our greatest resources. Making good use of our most natural skills, talents, and abilities by “putting them to work” at income producing endeavors or via hobbies or volunteer efforts, provides a special kind of self-fulfillment and personal satisfaction. Doing what comes naturally sets us up to succeed and holds a greater promise for ego enhancing feedback from the outer world. If we do what we are good at, and love what we do, we can’t help but be successful. In contrast, going against the grain, or fighting one’s own nature, requires a level of energy expenditure that is exhausting. Venus retrograde tends to exaggerate that exhaustion, to make us more aware of those areas of life and activities that leave us feeling energetically bankrupt, and encourage us to make better choices about how, where, and with whom we spend our precious energy.
Everyone of us has value. It is up to each individual to determine his/her/its own value/worth and to find the most fulfilling way to express and share it with the world. If we lack this awareness, we can’t be true to ourselves, and desperately seek validation for our value from others, which almost always leaves us feeling disappointed and unworthy. Venus retrograde affords us all the opportunity to do this most important work. It is only through self-exploration that we can recognize how our value systems have changed, and how our lives must also change accordingly. Venus reentering Pisces reminds us that, as with all things, love begins at home. Our ability to truly love and accept others is directly proportionate to our capacity for unconditional self-love and acceptance. May you choose to walk in beauty and grace the world with your magnificent presence!
By Kimberly McSherry