The Practical Survival Guide to July Eclipses

solar eclipse

On Tuesday, July 2nd, we will experience a total Solar Eclipse occurring over Cancer/Capricorn axes.  While this time would be significant for people who have planets or chart points in Cardinal Signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn), in this article I would like to address an important relationship aspect that would affect everyone, regardless of the specific chart placements.

At the time of Solar Eclipse, South Node, a signifier of our attachments and possible delusions brought from a previous incarnation, would tightly conjunct Saturn at 17 degrees of Capricorn.  North Node, a signifier of the soul’s mission in the current incarnation, consequently would form an exact opposition with Saturn. This planetary position can bring an emotional upheaval and subconscious discontent related to the restricting energies of Saturn that is influencing the sensitive karmic points. South Node-Saturn conjunction can create stubbornness, rigidity, and unwavering fixation on the thinking and behavior patterns that interfere with our growth. 

Jupiter at 16 degree of Sagittarius, inconjunct to North Node, does not help the situation either! When inconjunct happens, the energies can collide due to mutual inconsideration and blindness to each other needs. While Sagittarius carries a forward looking, shoot-from the hip, no-hostage taking attitude, a Cancerian perspective can be perceived as a crab, who, in many cases, can be living in the past, and also is prone to retreating in its shell every time it gets overwhelmed – especially if it gets hurt by the outside world. Jupiter, the planet of expansion, can play a role in magnifying this mismatch. Painful miscommunications and misunderstandings can be plentiful at this time as our softer, emotional selves are more susceptible to being wounded by either no nonsense like attitude that can be dominant in Capricorn, or by dogmatic, insensitive preaching – characteristic of some Sagittarius’ expressions.

In the interesting astral development, Venus, a patron saint of harmonious relationships, moves into Cancer on July 3rd. This is one day after the solar eclipse where it joins  Saturn opposition, along with North Node, right at the time of Partial Moon eclipse on July 16th.  Since Venus  is prominently joining the planetary scene in July, the relationship dynamics comes to the forefront and requires an utmost attention. The present energies  can challenge the balance of our relationships, and many established patterns would require adjustment and re-direction.

I would advise to use time between the eclipses to start addressing Acceptance (Cancer) and Commitment (Capricorn) aspects of relationships. The wonderful tool for tapping into these energies is getting acquainted with the main principles of Acceptance and Commitment therapy (ACT), either by reading on this subject or with a help of professional counselors.  These principles are:

  • Cognitive diffusion: This principle emphasizes the non-judgmental approach to our thoughts and feelings. Our goal would be to become aware and examine our thought process, to learn how to accept and change the attitude towards the unpleasant thoughts and feeling without identification with them.
  • Acceptance: You can learn to accept the character traits of your partner that cannot be changed, and gain skills how to change some of your behaviors for the benefit of the relationship. Remember, this commitment goes both ways – your partner, who made the decision to be completely committed to you, will have similar goals.
  • Contact with the present moment: In learning how to communicate, we’d concentrate how to be able to hear what the partner is really trying to tell us at this very moment, without attaching automatic thinking patterns to the message and distorting it. A non-judgmental attentiveness that can be viewed as receiving the present experience “as is” without evaluating its value, judging its affect or denying the reality. The emotions are also accepted and observed as experienced without passing judgement on their validity or effect.
  • The observing Self: We need be able to consciously identify our interaction patterns of behaviors and act consciously instead of being driven by impulsive thoughts or mindless behaviors.
  • Values: We’ll identify who we really want to be in relationship, and also will see how to appreciate and accept our partners through understanding personal values and by creating a meaningful life together based on these values.
  • Committed Action: Making up the mind to take steps towards implementing our values and goals to improve relationship. If you totally commit to the relationship and concentrate on the positive qualities of your partner instead of his/her negative qualities, you will be more secure and satisfied in a relationship.

The eclipse energies invite us to identify our unconscious triggers that can be rooted in our past lives or early childhood patterns. The influence of Nodes’ connection to Saturn invites us to understand where our rigid behaviors interfere with relationship satisfaction. Tap into the coming cosmic energies to grow your relationships further.

Irina Marks

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