The New Moon of Scorpio-Star Musings of a Wayward Astrologer


The New Moon of Scorpio begins a yearly month-long process of emotional cleansing and release in order to clear away the emotional debris remaining from unfinished emotional business (like shame, resentment, sadness, fear) that limits us and keeps us from being the divine children of God/Goddess that we truly are.  It is only through the release of negative emotional patterns and “bad me” beliefs, which serve to keep us from embracing our full potential and power (divinity), that we are able to transform ourselves and achieve a higher vibration through which to express our true natures.  Just as the caterpillar must first dissolve and willingly annihilate itself in order to become the butterfly, the positive Scorpio experience is symbolically a willingness to allow the outdated aspects of current consciousness to die in order for us to be reborn.  Any beliefs, habits, people, or practices that inhibit us from evolving into a higher vibration of experience and expression are subject to this process of annihilation.  One’s level of emotional attachment to what has to go determines the level of difficulty and challenge to be experienced during this lunation.  The Scorpio Lunation can be as emotionally challenging as it is potentially liberating. 

“One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light,
but by making the darkness conscious.”
Carl G. Jung

The Scorpio question: With whom and with what do I choose to merge in order to evolve and empower my existence?” 

We do not grow in a vacuum.  Change and transformation can only occur through the influence of those Libra reflections that we choose to allow “in” and to which we “give power”.  It is essential that we choose those reflections (things and people) wisely, because once the “merging” occurs, and the influence is allowed, we are transformed and reborn as something new, and there is no going back.  Once consciousness is changed, the doors to Eden (ignorance) are closed forever.  The Scorpio Lunation is a time to forgive and release that which must be destroyed in order to experience the promise of rebirth and renewed vision to come.  The work done at this time can result in a kind of “psychic upgrade” if one is willing to dump the junk stored on the hard drive.  

Scorpio is associated with three symbolic modes of expression:  the Scorpion, a fearsome and fearful creature with a toxic stinger used to defend itself against threats, real or imagined (paranoia and emotional protectiveness), the Eagle, a noble and revered creature with extreme clarity of vision, possessing great insight into people and the happenings of the world, yet able to soar at great heights above it all (profound insight and psychological/occult  understanding), and the Phoenix, a mythical bird which periodically allows itself to be cleansed by fire and rise reborn from its own ashes (transformation).  Symbolically, this represents the evolutionary process of the Human experience.  As we progress through life, we experience people and events that foster growth and greater consciousness.   To be true to ourselves, we must change to accommodate ever clearer visions of truth, not just about the outer world, but also about ourselves.   The Scorpio Lunation often makes us more aware of the pain and disempowerment we suffer from holding onto that which has outlived its usefulness in our lives, and more willing to engage in the courageous risk-taking on the emotional level, required to be free and prepare us for the new vision promised by the next lunation in Sagittarius.  The rebirth part of transformation is the fun part, exciting and new and filled with possibility.  Unfortunately, we can’t get there without going through the death part first, releasing and letting go of the largely unconscious patterns and beliefs that impede evolution, even though we don’t really “know” what’s on the other side.   

We are all bigger, better and stronger than we think we are.  There is always some next greater potential to strive for and achieve.  In myth, this is the buried treasure of The Underworld, usually guarded by monstrous creatures like dragons and 3-headed dogs.   The Scorpio Lunation often makes us more aware of the hidden, “darker side” of things, including ourselves.  These are qualities and characteristics we dislike in ourselves that keep us from seeing ourselves as “Divine Children of God/Goddess”, and worthy of His/Her grace.   They keep us safe, but small.  The challenge is not to deny or annihilate these pieces of ourselves, but to recognize and accept them as part of our divinity, and embrace them for the valuable service they provide.  They protect us and help us defend our boundaries, making it possible for us to venture out into the world in spite of the unknown, and take creative risks even though we may fail.  These primitive urges are tools of survival, which exist in all Humans.  With conscious awareness comes the choice of whether or not to unleash them.  Once made conscious, they can no longer “sneak up” on us unawares, or be projected onto others who we choose to play out our “monsters”.   Like the story of “Beauty and the Beast”, only unconditional love and acceptance of the beast within can transform the beast into the Handsome Prince, the potential that was always there and waiting to be free.   The highest expression of Scorpio is emotional self-mastery:  One who knows and accepts Self in all its glory and debauchery, and is in complete charge of his/her own “buttons”. 

When denied or repressed, primitive emotions become exaggerated foreground, and Scorpio insecurities can show up in the form of self-loathing and the self-destructive sabotaging behavior that often accompanies it, like guilt and shame, paranoia (darkness projected onto others), obsession, and feeling emotionally “stuck” or unable to move on.  To control a perceived threat, one may be tempted to manipulate the variables of a situation or other people, but be aware!  Such attempts are likely to be exposed and/or backfire this month.  Everybody’s “spidey sense” is on overdrive during the Scorpio lunation, so there is a heightened sensitivity regarding hidden motives and true intentions, especially if they are less than honest. 

Working the Scorpio Lunation with consciousness helps us to recognize, confront, release, and transform negative emotional patterns that make us feel powerless.  When we elevate our own darkness (unconsciousness) into the light (conscious awareness), we are no longer enslaved/controlled by it.  When we can truly accept our “less than perfect” selves, and embrace our own humanity with all its flaws and foibles, then we become more accepting of others and more capable of seeing the beauty in those who may be very different from us.  When one becomes more comfortable with, and responsible for, the amazing power that resides within, one can truly empower others to discover that same “Source” within themselves.  May this Scorpio Lunation help us all to shine a little brighter, for ourselves and others, in a world that needs all the LIGHT we can muster!

“All changes, even the most longed for, have their melancholy;
for what we leave behind us is a piece of ourselves;
we must die to one life before we can enter another.”

Anatole France

Working with the Phases of the Moon

Working with the Phases of The Moon helps to more productively work with the “process” and remain more conscious of the personal opportunities presented by each New Moon.  I encourage you to spend a little time in quiet reflection or meditation at your lunar altar just before or around each phase.

New Moon of Scorpio occurs on October 27th at 10:38 pm CDT at 4 Scorpio 25’.

Initiate your altar.  Spend some time in quiet reflection, meditating on the lunar “work” you would like to focus on and accomplish over the next month.  Give thought to or take action on the areas of life and energies ruled by the sign of the new Moon.  This month, the focus should be the quality of your emotional investments; releasing/transforming the negative emotional patterns (beliefs), fears, and insecurities, that keep you from experiencing the power and beauty of your true being; what you need to do to enhance/foster your personal evolutionary process at this time.

First quarter phase occurs on November 4th at 4:23 M CST at 11 Aquarius 42’.

Crisis in Action:  Spend some altar time in quiet reflection, meditating on awareness that has emerged regarding this month’s lunar process (resource evaluation and energetic expenditure);

What action can you take to release a negative emotional pattern in order to create a more empowered reality, or realize an untapped potential?  What needs to die in order for you to be reborn?   Over the next 7 days, strive to take action as prescribed, even if it’s symbolic.

Full Moon phase occurs on November 12th at 7:34 am CST at 19 Taurus 52’.

Conscious Awareness:  Spend some time in quiet reflection and appreciation for the awareness and insight you have gained from consciously participating in the lunar work.  What do you now know and understand that you did not know 2 weeks ago regarding the areas of focus for this month?  What action have you taken (or yet need to take) to emotionally ground these areas?  How will this awareness improve upon your life experience?  

Third (or Last) quarter phase occurs on November 19th at 3:11 pm CST at 27 Leo 14’.

Crisis in Execution:  Spend some time in quiet reflection to consider how to incorporate your new awareness into your daily, everyday experience of living your life.  How (in what ways) can you consciously apply this understanding and wisdom in service to yourself and others? 

Balsamic Phase (“Dark of the Moon”) occurs from November 24th – November 26th.

Completion of the Process: Spend some time in quiet reflection to finally and more deeply integrate the insights and wisdom gleaned from your process.  Celebrate yourself, your healthy choice to grow and evolve, and your accomplishment. Rest and prepare for the next New Moon.

“However fickle I seem, my heart is never unfaithful: 
Out of the slime itself, spotless the lotus grows.”
Japanese Folk Song

Lunar Altar for the Scorpio Lunation

Of all the planetary forces in Astrology, the influence of the Moon is the most personal and prominent in our everyday lives.  Coupled with the Sun, She was the first heavenly body to capture the imagination of our most primitive ancestors.  Her phases reflected the mysterious birth-life-death cycle of Nature, the primary biological imperative of childbirth for women, and the reproductive power of The Great Goddess, so She became the purest archetype of The Divine Feminine in Astrology.  Each month Moon and Sun join in the same sign of the zodiac at The New Moon to begin a Divine Dance, which lasts for 28-29 days, and then begins again.   This magical merging symbolizes the light of consciousness (Sun) impregnating the womb of the unconscious (Moon).  It holds the promise of a monthly new beginning, and if nurtured and cared for through each phase, the eventual birth of a higher level of emotional strength and fulfillment.  Working with the phases of the Moon helps us make the most of its emotionally healing potential.

Along with “working the phases” of the Moon, I encourage you to consider creating a Lunar Altar each month.  Your lunar altar is a place to help you focus your intentions, seek spiritual support to achieve your goals (the lunar work of that month), and demonstrate your value and respect for this work.  It should be placed in a relatively private, “psychically clear” place where you alone have access to it, and where you will be in its energy on a daily basis.  The Lunar Altar and its pieces are based on your purely subjective choices.  Trust your intuition and allow your altar to develop organically as the lunar work of the month unfolds.  Throughout the month, your altar may change or evolve as consciousness of the emotional work in progress grows.  Based on my own purely subjective choices and many decades of experience with creating and using altars, I suggest that your altar initially include the following:  An altar cloth composed of a color, fabric, and style to symbolize the New Moon sign; An altar candle, the color, fragrance, etc. of which symbolizes or is ruled by the New Moon sign; A Goddess symbol of the Feminine Principle that best represents the New Moon sign; A gemstone or rock that is ruled by or represents the sign of the New Moon; The metal that is ruled by or represents the sign of the New Moon;  The element (or symbols of the element) of the astrological sign of New Moon focus (Fire, Earth, Air, Water).  (Note: Many believe that symbols of each element should be included on every altar); Specific objects of personal meaning that help you connect with the month’s lunar work. 

The Lunar Altar and its Pieces are based on your purely subjective choices. Your lunar altar is a place to help you focus your intentions, seek spiritual support to achieve your goals (the lunar work of that month), and demonstrate your value and respect for this work. 

The following ideas may help you create a meaningful lunar altar for the Scorpio Lunation:

Color for altar cloth/candle:  Black and Deep blackish reds, like burgundy or maroon

Fragrance/Oil:  Heavy/Intense fragrances; Patchouli

Goddess:  All Goddesses who are honored for their transformational powers (Death & Rebirth and

triple forms of The Goddess), Magic, Sexuality, or rulership over The Underworld/Land of

Death:  Kali (Hindu), Ereshkigal (Sumerian/Babylonian), Pele (Hawaiian), Persephone

(Greek), Hel (Norse), Lilith (Hebrew), Sheela-Na-Gig, Triple Brigit, The Morrigan (Celtic); all

images of “the Witch”. 

In Tarot:  Meditate on Death and Judgment

Stones & Gems:  Bloodstone, Topaz (Gold or Smoky); lava rock, malachite, rubellite

Metal:  Traditionally, Iron; also nickel, phosphorus, plutonium, zinc

Element of Emphasis:  Water (deep, dark pools).

Specific Objects:  Serpents; Scorpions; Reptiles; Eagle; Phoenix symbols (cleansing & rebirth); transformational symbols or ideas (i.e. cocoons); raw/rough gems or items that have “great potential” yet to be realized (i.e. geodes); pictures or possessions of ancestors/loved ones who have passed over; your idea of “magical” objects; symbolic representations of what you perceive to be the kind of “power” or occult wisdom you wish to develop, master or manifest; challenging emotional patterns you would like to heal written on separate sheets of paper in the form of positive affirmations (i.e. If your past indicates that you don’t believe you are worthy of a healthy, loving relationship, the positive affirmation is “I am worthy of a loving, supportive relationship”.)

“Penetrating so many secrets, we cease to believe in the unknowable.  But there it sits nevertheless, calmly licking its chops.”H.L. Mencken

Kim McSherry

Co-founder and current Director of The Houston Institute of Astrology (established in 1980,) offering an intensive 2-year curriculum in the study of Astrology, based on The Mystery School tradition. Her nontraditional education includes extensive study of mythology and comparative religions, Native American Spirituality.


For more information about Kim McSherry and the Institute of Astrology visit

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