The Jupiter-Saturn Square: Revisiting Tecumseh’s Curse

The Jupiter-Saturn Square

Part II explores the potent transit of Jupiter in Gemini and Saturn in Pisces, offering a unique lens through which to view our modern challenges and societal shifts.

Read part I in our September edition

Part II

The current transit of  Jupiter in Gemini directs our search for “Truth” (our desire to grow consciousness and  the mode through which we are most likely to find understanding and wisdom needed at this time) toward the airy, mercurial realm of thought.  Our philosophy of life (a conglomeration of principles, beliefs, perspectives, and ideals that color our perception of ourselves and the world) is experiencing “information overload”.   With so many new variables to consider, the bevy and questionable veracity of the sources of information, and less time than normal to process the bombardment of stimuli coming at us at this time, discernment and intuition are our most valuable tools in the toolbox.  The social influencers of the time are younger than ever, and the youthful perspective dominating the collective zeitgeist right now can feel especially extreme and dramatic to the older generation, intensifying the gap between generations, similar to the extreme clash of the sixties.  Flexibility, and our capacity to adapt and adjust our way of thinking on a dime, are essential skills if we hope to navigate these mentally tumultuous times effectively, with minimal disruption to peace of mind.  We can either embrace this “new world reality” currently being defined, and start running to catch up, or dig our heels in and resist the quantum leap in consciousness now in progress, and wait to be trampled by the collective tidal wave in motion, gaining strength each day.  

The current transit of Saturn in Pisces focuses our attention on the systems and structures needed to effectively navigate changing reality, and to find ways to honor personal reality (an inner understanding of one’s own values, integrity, responsibilities, ethics and morality) in a way that also respects the “rules” and limitations required of any civilized society.   Healthy Saturn teaches us how to gracefully navigate in situations when the two conflict.  Watery, Neptunian Pisces emphasizes the realm of feeling and emotion, testing the strength, maturity, and level of expertise of our emotional process.  Emotional boundaries become blurred as we release the past and mourn the loss of the “good old days”, as well as the illusion that they were, in fact, all that good.  As we mourn the death of established systems and structures that previously provided us with support, we must also embrace, and ultimately integrate, the new world view currently emerging in collective consciousness and the structures required to support it.  The psychic (and Karmic) cleansing we are experiencing right now is a “good thing”, albeit a little scary at times, and, for many, it requires tapping into a deeper level of faith than previously experienced.  But such cyclic reality checks of Saturn can coincide with experiences of great reward and symbols of success, like  promotions, awards, and positive accolades from others, for the effort and hard work it took to build strong self-sustaining systems that support your reality.  Of course, for those who skipped the “hard work” part of the process, Saturn’s Karmic Wheel comes round in the form of catastrophic consequences, like the break down or total failure of the systems in question (financial, social, health , lifestyle, and so on).  Saturnian challenges usually relate to rigidity and resistance to change as reality dictates, blaming others or life circumstances for systems failure, rather than taking personal responsibility for one’s part in one’s own drama, and adopting an “austerity consciousness” that focuses on what is lacking rather than gratitude for what is.

The current Jupiter/Saturn cycle began in Aquarius, which rules technology and the global network experience, individuality, freedom, equality, egalitarianism, and humanitarianism.  Emphasis is on group collaboration and the power of the group, rather than individual accomplishment.  No where was the social shift of this current cycle more evident than in the diversity demonstrated and the four major themes of the recent Democratic National Convention:  For The People, A Bold Vision for America’s Future, A Fight For Freedom, and For Our Future.  For Aquarius, information is power and “thinking outside the box” is the norm.   Letting your “freak flag fly” is commendable.   Aquarius teaches us that we can’t solve problems in traditional ways, but must approach them in completely new and original ways.  The creative inventors who are capable of this way of thinking are becoming our new “heroes”.  One need not look far to see the challenges,  opportunities and dramatic redefinition required confronting us in these areas.  As we progress deeper into this current Jupiter/Saturn cycle, demonstrations of gender equality, like the equal number of men and women competing in the Olympic games and holding high positions of political power, or the first woman President of the United States, will continue to break from the tradition of patriarchal dominance, moving us ever closer to a true balance of power regarding gender.   We can expect the dramatic technological advances in all fields to continue, from medicine to spyware, as well as greater concern about the negative consequences of our growing dependence on technology and what it’s doing to our brains and the brains of our children?  With our growing dependence on technology, any number of events, natural and/or engineered by human beings, could occur to cripple our nation and/or the world on a global scale.   Technological interference with malicious intent from foreign entities has been exposed as a very real threat, as has the devastating potential of cybercrime and cyber terrorism, both globally and personally.  Our increasing dependence on technology to function in our daily lives continues to grow as a serious concern.   We can only hope that the systems and structures required to protect us from the nefarious misuse of technology can keep up with its unprecedented growth and development.  Our ability to trust information gleaned from traditional sources is all but lost, as unchecked misinformation fills the airwaves and the AI ability to create deep fakes and virtually undetectable false images, is perfected and remains unchecked.  Challenges to, and blatant denial of, individual rights and freedoms, legally sanctioned by a backward thinking Supreme Court, which appears to have become a law unto itself, have become a daily occurrence.  Advances in robotics and artificial intelligence, happening at breakneck speed, although potentially beneficial for Humankind, lack the ethical and moral restrictions needed to avoid one of the darker sides of Aquarius:   To place a higher value on science and scientific progress than the Human component and its consequences for Humanity.   Historically, much devastation has occurred in the name of “progress”.  The justification of inhumane action as a wartime necessity has become a major topic of debate and protest, exposing us to the devastating horrors of war for its innocent victims.  

It is important to remember that we are still at the dawning of the New Age of Aquarius.  I suggest that this powerful Jupiter/Saturn cycle will manifest as a “quantum leap” into the New Age, and history will record this time as an important turning point of collective transformation.  I can only imagine the kind of events that must occur to facilitate such a leap, but my guess is they will be big, unexpected, dramatic, and beyond anyone’s illusion of control.  

Such transformation, although necessary, is never easy or gentle.  We can choose to check out or stay and enjoy the ride, bumps and all.  In keeping with the Aquarian ideal, it helps if we can move beyond the tendency to judge life from one’s own limited perspective and try to experience the world, and all its whacky twists and turns, with greater objectivity.  I share with you my personal mantra for these times:  “This isn’t good, this isn’t bad, this is just energy to which I will respond with all the intelligence and wisdom I have accrued thus far in this lifetime.”  (move also to margins) May The Force be with you!

By Kimberly McSherry

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