The Jupiter-Saturn Square: Revisiting Tecumseh’s Curse

The article intertwines astrology with history, highlighting the eerie pattern known as “Tecumseh’s Curse,” which links presidential fates with planetary positions.

Part I

Every 20 years, the transiting cycle of Jupiter and Saturn forms a conjunction (joining) of these two socially influential forces, serving to redefine social consciousness and shift our collective perception of reality.   As the new awareness and resulting vision of Jupiter collides and clashes with the traditional social structures and systems of Saturn adopted to support it, dramatic social change is inevitable.  Just as individuals must grow and evolve according to the times, so must the societies that they have created.  Social evolution takes time, and there are critical points within the 20-year cycle when the awareness of the “new world view” reaches critical mass, and the existing social structures can no longer serve their function.  Most significantly, for the astrologers among us, are those that occur approximately every five years: The separating square, the opposition, and the approaching square.  During these periods, the challenges between the “old world order” and the new intensify, as does the turmoil and social discord which always accompanies the attempt to overthrow the old Gods in favor of the next generation.  In myth, this recurring theme is frequently depicted when the young hero must overthrow the tyrannical king to win the throne.  Saturn/Cronos overthrew Uranus, only to suffer the same fate when his son, Zeus/Jupiter, overthrew him so that the new generation could rule Humankind.  It is truly a tale as old as time.  

The current Jupiter/Saturn cycle began with the conjunction at 0 degrees of Aquarius on December 21, 2020.  We are now experiencing the first critical period of the cycle, the separating square, which always presents us with some form of social/cultural “crisis” to which we must respond collectively. Due to the retrograde motion of both planets, there will be three exact squares of Jupiter and Saturn, so this phase of the cycle is in play from August 19, 2024 (the first exact square at the critical mutable degree of 17 Gemini/Pisces) through June 15, 2025 (the third exact square at the critical cardinal degree of 01 Aries/Cancer).  The second exact square occurs on December 14, 2024.   As tension mounts in the socio/cultural zeitgeist, we can expect to see many examples of the challenges created when the old-world view is confronted by the new world view, now rising in the collective consciousness of all Humankind.  Problems resulting from a failing infrastructure are sure to be exaggerated, forcing us to take dramatic action to resolve them.  The shift in perspective of the younger members of society will magnify the stark differences between the “old way of seeing things” and the new, resulting in a clashing of generations, similar to what we experienced in the 60’s.  In short, we are riding an evolutionary tidal wave of cosmic proportion, the influence of which will take decades to fully understand.  

This cycle has taken on a somewhat mystical meaning since 1840 when the first of several presidents elected during these years coincidentally died in office.  This phenomenon has become known as “Tecumseh’s Curse”, based on the historical account of the 1811 confrontation between Native Americans, led by Shawnee Chief Tecumseh, and then Governor William H. Harrison at the Battle of Tippecanoe.  Tecumseh died in battle in 1813, his body mutilated and buried in a mass grave, and his dream of a Native American Confederacy died with him.  Years later, in Harrison’s campaign for the presidency, to capitalize on his famous military exploit, the battle was popularized in the song turned slogan “Tippecanoe and Tyler Too”.  Although Harrison was elected in 1840, he died in 1841 shortly after his inaugural speech in March.  From that time on, over the next 120 years, the Jupiter/Saturn conjunctions always occurred in Earth signs, and all of the presidents elected during those years died in office.  To summarize: 1840 (Capricorn conjunction) William H. Harrison died in office of pneumonia; 1860 (Virgo conjunction) Abraham Lincoln elected, assassinated while in office; 1880 (Taurus conjunction) James Garfield assassinated while in office; 1900 (Capricorn conjunction) McKinley assassinated while in office; 1920 (Virgo conjunction) Warren Harding elected, died in office of heart attack and/or possibly ptomaine poisoning; 1940 (Taurus conjunction) Franklin D. Roosevelt died in office of a cerebral hemorrhage; 1960 (Capricorn conjunction) John F. Kennedy was assassinated while in office.  

In 1980, the conjunction occurred in an air sign (at 9 Libra) for the first time in over 120 years.  Reagan survived and it appeared to many that the “curse” was finally broken.  However, some argue that the Curse continued, albeit in a different form.  In 1980 (Libra conjunction) Ronald Reagan was elected.  He survived an attempted assassination to serve two terms in office.  However, it is now well-documented that he was not a functioning president for his last two years in office, suffering from dementia and severe cognitive decline.  In 2000 (Taurus conjunction) George Bush was elected and survived to serve two terms, although the legitimacy of his second term will forever haunt him.  Some argue that the terrorist attack of 9-11-01, which shattered the nation to the core and took the lives of thousands, indicated that Tecumseh’s Curse was still in effect.  Finally, in 2020, with the conjunction occurring in another air sign, due to party fears about public concern regarding mental competency and cognitive decline, President Joe Biden announced that he will not seek reelection.  It appears that Tecumseh’s curse might still be alive and well, although the form it takes has changed, from physical death to the cognitive decline (mental death) of the sitting president elected in those years of the Jupiter/Saturn conjunction. 

Jupiter and Saturn are considered to be “social” planetary influences, as opposed to the “personal” individual defining influence and “outer” collective/universal influence of the planets which precede or follow them.  We are all social beings, born into various socio/cultural groupings (i.e. ethnicity, race, religion, gender, etc.).  An important part of the maturation process is learning to navigate the expectations, assumptions, and ”rules” of such groupings, while still maintaining our individuality.  It can also be very difficult to respect and honor the cultural traditions and teachings of one’s origins when one is caught up in the throes of sweeping universal forces that challenge their validity, veracity, and morality. Such work is the delicate nature of the cyclic dance between Jupiter and Saturn.  The tense dynamic (square aspect) currently happening between them is exacerbated by the fact that these social/cultural goliaths of the cosmos symbolize two opposing principles, eternally at odds with one another:  These are expansion/ growth/progress (Jupiter) and contraction/consolidation/conservation.  Whereas Jupiter describes our urge to explore what lies beyond boundaries, Saturn describes our urge to clearly define and solidify what lies within them.   Jupiter is the “Spirit of the Law”, favoring change, adaptation and adjustment to accommodate new awareness.   Saturn is “The Letter of the Law”, seeking to maintain stability, uphold tradition, and honor the past.

To be continued in Part II in October edition.

Kim McSherry

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