The Impact of the Solar Eclipse of Christmas Day

Solar Eclipse

This month’s lunation in Capricorn is also a solar eclipse, which occurs when the new moon is in close proximity to the Nodes of the Moon.  In this case, the Sun and Moon join the South Node and Jupiter in Capricorn, with a wide conjunction to the ongoing transits of Saturn and Pluto.  The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse of January 10th adds Mercury to the Capricorn mix and finds the Sun in close proximity to Saturn and Pluto with the Cancer Moon in opposition to the Capricorn alignment.  This eclipse not only magnifies the influence of this Capricorn Lunation personally, but dramatically intensifies its effect on a global scale.

In the outer world, Capricorn rules all structures and systems created by a society/governing body to serve the People for whom it is responsible.  At its best and most positive expression, Capricorn is willing to sacrifice personal need and assume responsibility for the many, especially those who lack the resources to care for themselves.  Capricornian systems and social structures created to serve the society are based on wisdom that comes with age and experience, compassion, and the needs of the many, rather than avarice and personal gain for the few.  Pluto, the great transformer, has been moving through Capricorn since 2008, joined by Saturn, the tester and redefiner of reality, since 2017, so we have been feeling the influence of Capricorn’s cosmic work for quite a while now, especially in the United States, which is ruled by Cancer, Capricorn’s opposing sign, and experiencing its Pluto in Capricorn return.  The writing has been on the wall, so to speak, for quite some time.  One need not look too long and hard to realize that many of our current government systems are “broken” and in need of serious reform, if not complete overhaul.  We move ever closer to the danger of imminent and total “system failure” if these problems are not addressed with the immediacy and urgency they require.  As Pluto and Saturn transit the third decanate of Capricorn throughout this next year, we can expect a more intense and obvious manifestation of the problems.  We can expect secrets and hidden agendas to be revealed and breakdowns of many of our critical systems to occur, especially those relating to the political arena in general, economics, health care, respect on the global stage, and the consequences of ignoring global climate concerns.  

Symbolically, eclipses shine a light, brighter and more intensely, on the domain ruled by the sign axis in which they occur.  The purpose of this light is to force awareness and foster consciousness in that domain in a way that cannot be ignored.  The goal of this light is to heal the wounds that are discovered, and ultimately, fix what is broken.   In the 19-year eclipse cycle, the same 2020 eclipses by sign and degree occurred in 2001, when this country experienced the devastating wake-up call of 9-11 that shook us to our very core.  I am reminded of the many dramatic changes to our democracy that resulted in response to this horrific event.  Many don’t realize how differently we think and live today because of the many revisions made to the U.S. Constitution and the new laws enacted over the four years following 9-11.  

In an effort to mitigate my Scorpionic “doom and gloom”, I remind myself that I am far from powerless.  In the grand scheme of things, there is no “bad” and there is no “good”…there is just energy in motion to which we get to respond.  Our challenge is to put into practice that divine Truth to which so many of us give lip service:  I create my own reality.   In my reality, every problem has a solution and the Human Race is composed of highly intelligent, compassionate, responsible beings who will find it.  I need only recognize it when it appears, and then vote it into office!

Kim McSherry

Institute of Astrology

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