The Chinese Year of the Yin Wood Snake

From January 29, 2025– February 16, 2026

By Kimberly McSherry

The Chinese New Year ushers in a new cycle each year on the day following the New Moon of Aquarius.  This year, on January 29, 2025 the Year of the Wood Snake begins.  For the sake of comparison, previous Snake years occurred in 2013, 2001, 1989, 1977, 1965 (the last Wood Snake), 1953, 1941, 1929, and 1917.   The Snake is the sixth sign of the Chinese Zodiac, aligned with the astrological sign of Virgo and Snake years do tend to mirror qualities in keeping with the nature of that sign, like the need to apply careful analysis, organization, adaptability, and resourcefulness to our everyday lives. 

Unlike Western mythology, where Snake is often feared and associated with evil and treachery (i.e. the Serpent in the Garden of Eden or the proverbial “snake in the grass”), mythic representations of snake in almost all indigenous cultures are powerful symbols of mysticism, mystery, healing, and untapped potential.   By virtue of its ability to shed its outgrown skin, Snake is a powerful symbol of evolution, rebirth and renewal.  Sacred to the Goddess principle, Snake is strongly aligned with healing, especially those healing modalities that involve the resourceful use and adaptation of natural elements, like herbs, roots, food, and environments, to promote cures for disease and balance body, mind  and soul.  Its ability to move seamlessly both above and below the ground endows Snake with access to the hidden secrets (mysteries) and buried treasure (untapped potential) of the Underworld. 

Snake years often coincide with circumstances that require us to act strategically, plan carefully, get organized, proceed with caution, exercise patience, and be flexible/resilient.  Sometimes we need to be a bit calculating and manipulative to achieve the desired goal with minimal “fallout”, and we tend to be more goal-oriented than usual during Snake years.  “Sidewinding” is definitely favored over direct confrontation by Snake, as is the use of tact and diplomacy in all human interactions.  Suspicions and insecurities are closer to the surface during Snake years, fostering growth and development of the intuitive faculties and our ability to trust them.  A little bit of healthy skepticism never hurts, especially in a world where reality can be easily manipulated and “Truth”, so difficult to discern. 

The wood element stabilizes Snake and emphasizes its physical level of expression.  The healing theme of Snake years is evidenced by advances in medicine and major medical breakthroughs, such as the eradication of smallpox in 1977 and the introduction of the polio vaccine of 1953, for which Jonas Salk refused the patent in order that it be freely shared and distributed to everyone worldwide.  The use of contraception was also legalized by the Supreme Court in the last Year of the Wood Snake, 1965.  Such concern for the well-being of all members of society is a major theme during Snake years, as reflected by the passage of legislation such as the Social Security Act, and the Voting Rights Act in response to “Bloody Sunday” and the Selma, Alabama March, both in 1965, the creation of UNICEF by the United Nations to help children worldwide in 1953, the humane treatment of prisoners of war established by the Geneva Convention in 1929, and major progress in passage of same-sex marriage laws and rights in 2013.  Paradoxically, Snake years historically have more than their share of traumatic events and extreme acts of horrific violence which catapult us into new ways of seeing and being in the world, emphasizing insecurities and making us more suspicious of others, both personally and globally.   The Wall Street Crash of 1929, The attack on The World Trade Center in 2001, and The Boston Marathon of 2013 all occurred in Snake years.  US participation in major global conflicts also coincides with Snake years.  We entered World War I in 1917, World War II in 1941,  The Viet Nam War in 1965, and the global War on Terrorism (Operation Enduring Freedom against Afghanistan) in 2001.  Other notable events that occurred during Snake Years were the first space walk (1965), the invention of The Internet (1965), the toppling of the Berlin Wall (1989), both Harry Potter and The Lord of the Rings Trilogy hit the big screen, and the discovery of Chiron, the “Wounded Healer”, a celestial body of great importance to astrologers (1977)!

Snake years are good years for introspection, self-reflection, and the kind of self-discovery that comes from the integration of the many bits of wisdom, insight and self-awareness we have gleaned over the past several years.  Thoughtful action, creative problem-solving and the ability to conquer both current and long-term challenges are enhanced during Snake years.  They are a time to nurture inner strength and to build/cultivate new relationships, and best used to focus on personal growth and transformation, and to pursue goals with patience and diligence.  Paradoxical in nature, Snake years coincide with extremes of fortune, where there is the equal chance for catastrophic loss as there is for unimaginable gain.  Snake can open doors to reveal valuable insight into the “The Great Mystery” and the riches of untapped potential, previously resting dormant in the unconscious.  On the other hand, a less mystical, more practical approach, healthy skepticism, attention to detail, and careful analysis are likely to win the day in many situations this year.  As life unfolds throughout 2025, may you know only the best of Snake’s promise and end the year wiser, wealthier, healthier, and more whole than you began it.  Wishing you and yours a joyous New Year, filled with wonderful accomplishments, growth of only the gentle kind, and all the joy and love you will allow! 

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