Reflections on the Hidden God Part II

Hidden God

 In the Beginning . . .

To answer the mystery of where and why God might be hiding, we need to dig back deep into the creation beyond all the distortions and confusion posed by traditional religion. Western or Abrahamic religions all tell us that human beings were separate creations from God the way Pinocchio was a separate creation from Geppetto. The ancient spiritual traditions from Hinduism to the early Judeo-Christian mystics responded to this notion with an emphatic, “NO!”

We are not separate creations and God created nothing. We are, rather, emanations or projections of the very Mind-Consciousness of God Itself, albeit in diluted states of conscious limitation. If God is the Source of the cosmic power grid, we are like the relay stations stepping down the energy for everyday usage, which in our case means the projected perception of physical reality.

Souls Along the Frontier

Spirits and souls are not exactly the same. Spirits are the individual consciousnesses that have elected to use their free will to stay within the harmonic sphere of the Source consciousness. In Christian terminology, we might say they were the angels who stayed before the throne of God. Souls are those spirits who diverged into other dimensions of conscious vibration seeking individual experience. They were the pioneers or journeyers who strayed by exerting their individual will over that of the collective.

This falling away from the Source Consciousness was symbolically echoed in the story of the fall of Adam and Eve from Paradise. It was more incisively explained in the suppressed Gnostic mystical Christian gospels as the fall of consciousness–actually a series of falls–to lower states of awareness culminating in consciousness embodying in physical form.

Spiritual Evolution

This fall was not sudden; it was gradual and evolutionary in both material and non-material dimensions. Numerous, disparate sources from pagan and Judeo-Christian to the Sumerian texts translated by Sitchin and even the readings of psychics like Edgar Cayce all indicate that physical life on this planet was tampered with and evolved by “outside” forces.

The most frequently told version is primitive early primates were manipulated into higher forms until bodies capable of holding intelligent consciousness were perfected. That would eventually be us, folks. This evolution was described by different sources as being rather experimental with several failures until success was achieved.

I ran across a statement on a website that nicely sums up this widely-held belief: “For thousands of years Gods weren’t in human form. Then they seem to have been combined with animals, and then finally became completely human. (Damh the Bard).

Now, you can believe or not believe this happened but it certainly mirrors the evolved physical structure of the brain. The reptilian would be the original brain of the brute animal. Then came the limbic with the capacity to feel followed by the final neocortex and the power of reason and abstract thought. It was at this point that physical forms were finally capable of holding spirit consciousness giving the appearance that modern homo sapiens (sentient man) was an abrupt historical event.

The left and right brain hemispheres also perfectly correlate with ancient mystical wisdom. In the Gnostic gospels, God or the Source is a singularity but It expresses Itself in polar opposites called male and female. It was the dynamic action between these forces that generated the light, heat, and motion for creation similar to how the poles of a battery generate electrical energy.

The characteristics of the male-female forces also corresponded to the left brain/right brain characteristics previously described. As it is above, so it is below the ancient Hermetic adage says. The Gnostics validated this by saying everything in the physical dimension is a pale blueprint of a higher archetypal dimension.

Why Hide?

With the previously given background, we can now address the question of why the charade of psychological and biological obstacles to recognizing the animating force within us that led to our existence. In the Greek myth of the birth of Dionysius Zeus sires Dionysius on the mortal woman Semele. She asks to see Zeus in his true form. He reveals himself as light energy and she is destroyed. The moral of the story? High-frequency energies cannot be contained in lower-frequency vessels.

This comports with the Gnostic creation story. The Source projected other beings by limiting or stepping down Its Consciousness (energy). Only in this manner could projected beings have a sense of individuality otherwise they would just be absorbed back into the infinite Source energy. So, limitation, or lower frequency energy in scientific terms, is essential to a sense of individuality.

Remember our power grid analogy? We can’t utilize the power of the raw source energy so it gets stepped down through a series of transformers and relay stations that correspond to our biological (brain) and psychological (mind) functions. Our essential soul energies thereby become usable in physical forms. The layers of body and mind are like circuit breakers allowing our true natures to reside in lower states of energy without suffering the fate of poor Semele.

What Has Been Hidden Shall Be Revealed

Through this elaborate mechanism of concealing what we truly are, like the holodeck in the Star Trek series, we’ve immersed ourselves into a virtual reality as characters so involved that we’ve forgotten we are the programmers. But, a way exists to exit the maze. Consciousness was the way in, consciousness is the way out.

The kingdom of heaven is within and we can trace our way back to our source by elevating our consciousness. Unconscious> Subconscious> Conscious> Superconscious would seem to be the reverse-engineered pathway. This may entail study, observation, meditation, and the accumulation of higher knowledge but it lies within all of our capabilities.

Hindu sages had a saying: “This world is the playground in which God fools Himself.” Only in this manner can spirit energy experience itself as being physical, only in this manner can a physical entity be the vessel for higher energies. Once this is realized, we can, like Dorothy and her companions, begin to pull open the veil and see the Wizard of Oz behind the curtain.

Peter Canova
The author of the 25 X award-winning First Souls Trilogy and has contributed to the popular Chicken Soup for the Soul series. His latest publication, Quantum Spirituality, received 4 titles in The American Book Fest’s 2023 Best Book Awards.

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