Astrological Insights for November 2021
As November begins, the planets Jupiter and Saturn that have been stationary during the second half of October start gaining speed and consequently, albeit slowly, the stagnant atmosphere around us gives way to constructive activities that we are likely to engage in.

Astrological Insights for October 2021
October is likely to bring some relief from the ongoing anxiety filled and stagnant atmosphere that we have been collectively experiencing for a long time as three major planets become direct during October.

Monthly Astrological Insights for September 2021
Events for the month of September are likely to be dominated by the energy of the Pluto-Uranus ninefold square lasting through October 4 and the activation force of the retrograde motion of the five major planets: Pluto, Neptune, Uranus, Saturn and Jupiter.

Astrological Insights for August 2021
Although in August, the undesirable energy of the explosive and deadly Uranus-Saturn square is slowly fading away, the manifestation of energy of the Pluto-Uranus ninefold square will certainly be felt during August 8 – October 4 period, and it’s not pretty for the world, especially for the United States.

Astrological Insights for July 2021
The month of July (at least the first half of it) will continue to be affected by the explosive and deadly Uranus-Saturn square. During the first half of this month this square will be within a degree.

Astrological Insights for June 2021
June is likely to witness a full array of significant worldwide events that mostly due to the powerful Uranus-Saturn square as a major planetary event. During the entire month, this square will be within a degree, and the perfect square during June 14-16.

Astrological Insights for May 2021 Overview
As May begins with a fast-approaching close Uranus-Saturn square within about two degrees and about a degree by the end of the month, the severity of the square would certainly be reflected in material world disasters including both the natural and man-made calamities

Predictions for April 2021
On April 5, Jupiter enters the sidereal Aquarius. It’s going to reside in Aquarius till September 15, 2021. Then with retrograde motion Jupiter returns to Capricorn and for the last time stays in Capricorn till November 20 before it reenters Aquarius.

Predictions for March 2021
The month of March is likely to continue witness similar events as the influence of the Saturn-Uranus square remains dominant for USA, especially for the west coast and Texas.

Expect the Unexpected
The recent Mar’s ingress in Aries occurred on December 23. It will stay in Aries till February 21.

What Makes January 28 thru March 10 a Special Period?
During Jan 28 thru Mar 10, the slow-moving planets Pluto, Saturn, and Jupiter in sidereal Capricorn will be joined by Sun, Venus, and Mercury.

Saturn in sidereal Capricorn
For about the next 18 months, Saturn will strongly influence the world financial markets and economy and material expansion/contraction. Entrepreneurs, business leaders, politicians, philanthropists, philosophers, scientists, reformers, and to some extent monks will shape the future of the world.