Firewalking as a Spiritual Practice
Firewalking is an ancient form of ritual ceremony to honor the relationship between the element of fire and humans. It has been used by many cultures around the globe for initiations, rites of passage, feats of strength to name a few. Today firewalking is used to help elevate spiritual practice, build self-esteem, overcome obstacles, and help to transform fears.

Exploring The Current Mental Health Crisis & The Future of Humanity
Meet Petrene Soames, a woman with extraordinary abilities and knowledge. In this podcast Anton and Peterene discuss the current mental health crisis and what kind of world we would like to see in the next 20 years. Petrene also shares practical wisdom on what she does when she finds herself in a “funk.”

Gemini – the Communicator
Gemini is the 3rd sign of the Zodiac from approximately (May 22 – June 21) and is called the sign of the twins. The symbol is of two brothers and is symbolic of the duality of this sign. One minute they are social, bright, and mentally alert to who and what is going on in their immediate environment, the next they are distracted and scattered and off to the next thing that interests them.

Make Meditation Your Daily Routine
If someone would ask me what is the most useful subject to learn to live a meaningful life, my answer will be, “Learn Astrology.” If someone would ask me what the most powerful technique is to live a happy and fulfilling life, my answer will be, “Daily Meditation.”

Spiritual Truths for Your Contemplation
One of the ways spiritual seekers work to integrate higher understandings is through the contemplation of spiritual truths. I often tell my students that to contemplate an understanding is to hold it gently, allowing for the fullness of the concept to emerge without grasping or feeling that one has to think hard about it.

Full Moon in Libra – 16 April 2022
The Full Moon in Libra on the 16th of April is clearly a moon that affects, brings to a critical point and redefines or ends relationships.
It occurs in a mix of positive as well as intensely difficult aspects and so works completely differently based on the point at which it falls in your chart.

April Challenge
We continue our Monthly Challenges, and this month’s challenge is to become mindful about what information enters your mind, and from what sources.

Monthly Challenge
Last month, we talked about introducing fasting into our life, and the best days to do it are Ekadashi days. If you did accept the challenge, please share your experience with us.

Lessons on Leadership from the Ancient Samurai
We are all leaders in some sense. Whether you are in a position of authority as a parent, coach, teacher, office manager, or even CEO, you are, at the very least, leader of your own destiny.

Where Do Our Loved Ones Go When They Die?
When people die, they transition to whatever their version of heaven was when they were alive. What I mean by that is one may have envisioned a beautiful reunion of family, and so they are met with family when they cross. Another may have envisioned being met by Jesus, and so they are met by Jesus.

Conscious Relationships in the Aquarian Age
Many of us marry when we are in a state of romantic euphoria. This surge of energy we feel around a particular person is that an unknown aspect of ourselves has been projected onto them. This is what generates the remarkable “spark” that gets ignited.

Tarot and Relationships with Yourself
When people think about tarot and relationships, I’ve noticed they have a tendency to think about it in terms of “Is he cheating on me?” and “Why is she trying to ruin my life?” This is totally understandable.