Reading Hands

Reading Hands, Reading Lives

My introduction to palmistry was as a 7-year-old boy in an orphanage school. We were queuing for school dinners when a boy in front of me raised his hand to warn us that the nuns were coming. These nuns, the “Sisters of Mercy,” were among the most wicked, cruel, and twisted people I have ever met.

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The Jupiter-Saturn Square

The Jupiter-Saturn Square: Revisiting Tecumseh’s Curse

The current transit of  Jupiter in Gemini directs our search for “Truth” (our desire to grow consciousness and  the mode through which we are most likely to find understanding and wisdom needed at this time) toward the airy, mercurial realm of thought.  Our philosophy of life (a conglomeration of principles, beliefs, perspectives, and ideals that color our perception of ourselves and the world) is experiencing “information overload”.  

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Life Path Number 8: How to Balance Abundantly

Numerology’s foundation is the Life Path Number, derived from your birthdate. It serves as your unchanging guide to life and represents approximately 50% of your “core,” a group of five primary numbers in your numerology chart. 

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Wonders of the Human Heart

Wonders of the Human Heart

The human heart, long celebrated in poetry and song as the seat of love and emotion, is an organ of profound complexity and subtle power. Its unique qualities not only sustain life but also enrich our understanding of wellness, consciousness, and the interconnectedness of the body and mind. 

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Shadow Work and a Red Cardinal

Shadow Work and a Red Cardinal

In the years 2008-2010, I was involved in a mastermind (prayer and visualization) group with three friends. The four of us came together weekly and we were all very close. In the summer of 2010, I went on a book signing/speaking trip to Florida for my Workbook. Before I left on this trip, I responded to an email from one of my friends who was complaining about the economy.

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The Lunation Cycle

The Lunation Cycle & The Heroine’s Journey

Of all the planetary forces in Astrology, the influence of the Moon is the most personal and prominent in our everyday lives.  Coupled with the Sun, She was the first heavenly body to capture the imagination of our most primitive ancestors.  Her phases reflected the mysterious birth-life-death cycle of Nature, the primary biological imperative of childbirth for women, and the reproductive power of The Great Goddess, so She became the purest archetype of The Divine Feminine in Astrology. 

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Astrology and Synchronicity

Astrology and Synchronicity — What’s Inside is Outside

There is no better psychological system for recognizing our innate archetypal psychic structure and individual needs than through Astrology. When it comes to self-knowledge, it can explain all the different parts of us with amazing accuracy, however, that doesn’t mean they are always operating consciously.

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