New Moon in Capricorn: Awakening Luna Within

New Moon in Capricorn

Of all the planetary forces in Astrology, the influence of the Moon is the most personal and prominent in our everyday lives. Coupled with the Sun, She was the first heavenly body to capture the imagination of our most primitive ancestors.  Her phases reflected the mysterious birth-life-death cycle of Nature, the primary biological imperative of childbirth for women, and the reproductive power of The Great Goddess, so She became the purest archetype of The Divine Feminine in Astrology.  Each month Moon and Sun join in the same sign of the zodiac at The New Moon to begin a Divine Dance, which lasts for 28-29 days, and then begins again.   This magical merging symbolizes the light of consciousness (Sun) impregnating the womb of the unconscious (Moon).  It holds the promise of a monthly new beginning, and if nurtured and cared for through each phase, the eventual birth of a higher level of emotional strength and fulfillment.  Working with the phases of the Moon helps us make the most of its emotionally healing potential.

 “Human Beings may separate things into as many piles as we wish – separating spirit from flesh, sacred from secular, church from world.

But we should not be surprised when God does not recognize the distinctions we make between the two. 

Earth is so thick with divine possibility that it is a wonder we can walk anywhere without cracking our shins on altars.”

(Barbara Brown Taylor)

 The New Moon of Capricorn begins a yearly month-long process of exploring the level of fulfillment we derive from the resources we possess and the emotional support provided by the life structures and organizational systems (our work/career, vocational pursuits, lifestyle, relationships, level of social/collective involvement, etc.) we have created to support our vision of reality.   During the Sagittarius Lunation, we had the opportunity to create a more emotionally satisfying vision based on the awareness of what we need to live happier lives with greater freedom to be who we are.   In response to this awareness, we may have realized that the structures created to support such a life must be redefined and rebuilt.   Assuming that we actively engaged in the work of the Sagittarian Lunation, the Capricorn Lunation provides the opportunity to evaluate the resources available (especially those we already have at our disposal) and our effective use of those resources, in order to move us ever closer to the ultimate manifestation of the new life we wish to create.   Many respond to the need to adapt existing life structures, or build completely new ones, to support the new vision. 

Kim McSherry

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