Suggestions for making changes

Making changes

If your big life is calling to you and you aren’t sure how to get started, here are some suggestions for making changes.

Now is the time to create your best.

So now is the time to think big, ask big, and create your best life. What do you want? What type of life do you daydream about? Are you daring to dream big and ask big? Now is the time.

If your big life is calling to you and you aren’t sure how to get started, here are some suggestions for making changes:

Ask for what you want: Be bold and ask for what you want. If your dreams seem big and beyond anything that you’ve asked for in the past, trust that your Soul is pushing you. Have those secret conversations with God and your Angelic Team until tangible results start showing up which will build your confidence. Now can be the time for the extraordinary to manifest so start asking for what you really want.

Divine Bonus: When you partner with the Divine, you truly can have what you want. I had written several inspired articles and submitted them to major magazines because I kept getting Divine nudging and encouragement. As a result, my articles were accepted in two world-wide magazines within 24 hours of each other. This happened because of extraordinary Divine assistance in a way which wouldn’t have happened on my own. You also have access to that same Presence and Force, so be bold, wish big, dream big, and get started now.

Expect the unexpected: When you start energizing and visualizing your dreams, be prepared to receive them but also be prepared for unexpected changes, delays, new directions and Ah Hah moments. This usually means that the Universe is responding to your request and has started clearing and preparing you to receive what you are seeking.

As I asked to work with clients through my vibrational energy work, part of my growth showed up in a new temporary job that I accepted. Although it didn’t seem connected at the time, the job helped me develop attention to detail and skills for balancing a budget, both very important for the vibrational energy work that I do and for creating a successful business.

Divine Bonus: Learn to recognize and acknowledge when you are getting Divine guidance and information and be willing to learn from each situation. Continue asking for what you can do to create your best life and trust that there is a reason for what starts showing up to assist your growth.

Expect surprises. As you start asking for what you really want, you may experience unusual coincidences and extraordinary happenings. My focus has been on creating a business through my healing abilities and my inspired writing, but I unexpectedly found myself in a doctor’s office talking about gluten-free diets and a book called “Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill. This information helped me to see more areas for change so that I could have the energy and knowledge for the life I’m working on creating.

Divine Bonus: The Universe is ready and waiting to support you in extraordinary ways and is always working for your Higher good. Pay attention to unusual coincidences, chance meetings and extraordinary conversations. They can lead you to important information for your Dreams and Divine Plan.

Trust Divine timing: This has been one of the toughest areas for me in this process. It can be difficult to be patient when you feel that you are completely ready to receive what you are asking for. If it isn’t manifesting yet, keep trusting that you are being prepared. You may be ready, but someone else or something else involved in the process may need more time.

Divine Bonus: If you are willing to be patient, trust, and continue taking action steps, Divine Timing ensures that you will be at the right time and right place. When things happen at the right time, you have the vibrational energy, Light, and Divine Flow to hold and keep what you’ve worked so hard to create.

Just do it: If you are asking for the life that you really want, be willing to follow through and do the work when your answers start showing up. Changing habits, eating differently, or doing what may be uncomfortable but necessary are important to be ready for the life that you really want. Also remember to stay positive, keep trusting and keep asking, even if it feels like nothing is happening. God is still working behind the scenes and your situation can change quickly.

Divine Bonus: You’ve been given these hopes and dreams for a reason. Keep hoping, praying, and focusing on your best life. As a final step, remember to start allowing, accepting, and receiving the Good just waiting for you.

Wishing you much Light and Support on your way. Now is the time, the opportunities are great, and your Best Life is calling……

Nancy Robinson

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