Information as the Vehicle of Reality Part II

Vehicle of Reality

Quantum Information

If photons, which are force-carrying particles of light energy, are capable of conveying physical information, it’s not a stretch to think that light energy contains the informational blueprint that forms the universe. Einstein’s E=mc2 tells us that matter and energy are interchangeable, that is, matter comes from energy and can resolve back into energy. Matter moving back into energy is the basis of the atom bomb. Energy slowed in vibration is the basis for matter. 

Photons can spin in two directions only, sometimes referred as left and right spin, sometimes up and down. The descriptive terminology is irrelevant. What’s notable is that the actions of the photons are binary, just like the binary 0-1 strings used to convey bits of information via electronic devices. Patterns of information could be carried at the quantum energetic level into matter through the actions of he light photons with their different binary spin combinations representing bits of information. If sub-atomic particles can carry information on a physical level, why is it implausible that they carry information at their base energy level?

Scientists know that fundamental reality is an energy field and that particles or matter derive from this field or quantum energy wave. What we’ve just learned tells us that the energy field may well be composed of infinite information that forms the building blocks of reality when manifested as particles of matter in binary algorithms. We experience an energetic projection of what appears as our physical universe just as quantum electronic information populates images on our TV screens. This indicates what many scientists have noted, namely that the operations of the universe resemble a giant computer. The question then becomes who is programming the software? Let’s see.

The Rise of Information Theory

A 2017 article in New Scientist by Anil Ananthaswamy observed that physics suggests information is more fundamental than matter, energy, space, and time. This is the recognition of a belief that has developed among scientists over several decades. To avoid confusion, I should mention that the term, “information theory,” has a loosely related historical meaning. In the 1940s, Claude Shannon developed a body of work labeled information theory that had to do with information imparted by radio and telecommunications transmissions.

The modern quantum theory of information explores the idea that energy and the subatomic particles it produces are encoded with the directive information that forms creation much as DNA contains the information that guides the formation of organic physical forms.

A 2017 article by Phil Perry in Big Think nicely summarizes quantum information theory:

“To look at information theory from a quantum viewpoint, the positions of particles, their movement, how they behave, and all of their properties, give us information about them and the physical forces behind them. Every aspect of a particle can be expressed as information, and put into binary code. And so subatomic particles may be the bits that the universe is processing, as a giant supercomputer.”

The eminent physicist, John Wheeler, elaborated on the way the whole thing works. Wheeler claimed that the universe operated in three parts: He said: “Everything is Particles,” “Everything is Fields,” and “Everything is information” in that order and he was quite correct. Quantum physics recognizes that particles of matter come from the quantum energy field or the quantum wave. Wheeler is saying that in turn, the quantum field itself is composed of information and, therefore, information is fundamental to reality in-forming space, time, and matter. Wheeler used the term, “ It from bit.” This means that each sub-atomic particle is a bit of information forming the appearance of the creation and physical reality similar to the way binary computer bits create appearances on your screen.

Energy and Consciousness

Now think on a simple fact. When you gaze upon a nighttime sky, you see millions of stars. What you are seeing are photons (sub-atomic particles) of light radiating from those stars registering on the rods and cones of your eyes and processed by your brain. So, it’s the information inherent in those particles that makes the experience of seeing stars detectable to you. The reality is that you’re seeing those stars as they were hundreds of thousands of years ago because that’s how long it takes for their light energy to reach Earth. Herein lies a hint that the transmission of information-encoded light may be the very basis of space and time. 

Perception of any physical object operates the same as seeing stars. It is the photons of light energy emitted from various objects in a particular informational array that allows us to perceive them as objects. Without light energy, no physical reality could exist.

So, here is a key question. The conveyance of information implies transmission and reception, but who is transmitting and who is receiving? The receiving part is easy. We are the receivers, but hold on, we may also be transmitters too. Read on.

Physics and Metaphysics

The problem with science is that it limits itself to what is observable and testable. This is all well and good for everyday applied applications. However, when exploring the outer edges of mysteries like the origins of life, the universe, space, time, matter, and consciousness, strict ad herence to the scientific method can become a limitation or even a liability. Here’s why—nobody knows what occurred on the other side of the Big Bang. Using the scientific method from this side of creation to probe the mysteries of the other side as in wh o or what is transmitting the information that formed us is futile. Well, not completely, perhaps.

Whatever lies at the bottom of the information trail does leave footprints in our dimension and science can trace those footprints to a certain degree like having a partial map that shows 10 miles of a 100-mile trail. Where physics and science end, however, metaphysics and intuited wisdom begin. My study of ancient texts as well as my own vivid personal experience has proved to me that intuited information from experienced sages or other sources is every bit as valid, if not more so, than scientific probings limited by materialistic parameters.

Regardless, logic based on scientific understanding can still support my contentions. If science acknowledges that information is the basis of the created or apparent universe then a few things must follow. Information means instruction capable of organizing form, which indicates intention, which indicates intelligence. Codes and programs do not write themselves absent a programmer, nor are they written absent a purpose pointing toward an intelligent force behind the transmission of information. Second, if the human mind is the receiver of this information, this establishes a relationship between the receiver and the transmitter. Just as electronic signals can be traced to their source, so should the human mind under proper circumstances be able to trace back some connection to its transmitting source.

This back-tracking experience is called by several terms — higher consciousness, the presence of God, enlightenment, the shamanic experience — the label doesn’t matter. It’s a contemplative reverse-engineering process of the mind. In terms of communication terminology, it’s abouteliminating the background noise to achieve a clear channel connection.

Peter Canova
The author of the 25 X award-winning First Souls Trilogy and has contributed to the popular Chicken Soup for the Soul series. His latest publication, Quantum Spirituality, received 4 titles in The American Book Fest’s 2023 Best Book Awards.

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