Healing Energy Tools for Your Health


According to energy healer and author Donna Eden, our bodies are “lattice works of force fields,” in which “energy is the infrastructure.” But what happens when that infrastructure is stressed, exhausted, depressed, and filled with anxious thoughts, resulting in illness? To support wellness inside and out, healing energy tools can help foster physical, mental, and spiritual health.

Thankfully, we have an abundance of healing energy tools, from pyramids to crystals, to energy healing stones to tuning forks. Whichever modality you or your energy healing professional work with, all are designed to optimize our wellness and heal what ails us.

Energy healing, or energy medicine, can be defined as any healing work designed to balance and restore our energetic channels. Similar to our circulatory system, which can have negative impacts on our health if not running smoothly, our energetic field also has a flow. If that flow is blocked, our energy fields can lead to emotional, spiritual, and soul pain.

“As you change your energy, you change your life.”  Nancy Robinson, Elicor Awakenings

Also similar to our physical body, energy carries its own anatomy — aura, meridians, and chakras. The balance for optimum energetic functioning leads to a sense of calm, equilibrium, and peace. To help achieve this balance, energy healers have a veritable energy healing toolkit at their fingertips. These range from ones steeped in ancient healing traditions, the natural world, and those derived from modern technology.

Healing stones and crystals are placed along locations, or meridians, on the body to help increase positive energy flow and support for specific health concerns. Out of the hundreds used in this practice, below are a few of the more commonly used energy healing stones and their healing properties:

  • Amethyst: Beneficial for the intestines, calm, and decision-making
  • Agate: Grounding, stability, and increases confidence
  • Lapis Lazuli: Wisdom, self-awareness, and spiritual enlightenment
  • Turquoise: Bridge between heaven and earth; highest spiritual potential
  • Carnelian: Creativity and vitality
  • Jasper: Joy and release from stress

In addition to healing stones, the natural world offers many other energetic tools, such as sage, grasses, feathers, the elements, light, and color:

  • Sage: A purifying herb, sage is commonly burned or turned into a smudging tool for a variety of healing purposes, from spatial cleansing, to spiritual, emotional, and in Native American rituals. White sage is considered to be the purest form of sage and used for spiritual purification. Desert sage is valued for its medicinal properties including antioxidants, anti-fungal, antiseptic, and astringent.
  • Cedar: Mostly used in the Pacific Northwest, red cedar is burned as a prayer offering, as well as a purification tool. Referred to as a “tree of life,” indigenous people incorporated it into many aspects of their lives, from building, to medicine, to sweat lodges and baths designed to cleanse the entire energetic system.
  • Sweetgrass: Dried and braided before burning, sweetgrass makes the healing process a sweet one with its vanilla scent. The aromatic essence is thought to attract positive energy, people, and as a purification tool.
  • Feathers or Feather Fans: Used in conjunction with smudging of incense, sage, herbs, or grasses, feathers represent duality and balance. According to Professor Tom Bacig, Morse Alumni Distinguished Teaching Professor of Cultural Studies Emeritus at the University of Minnesota Duluth, “the color of the tail feather is divided into two parts, light and dark…[i]t is said that the dualism is needed along with the symbol of the eagle to keep balance in the circle of life.”

Lisa Trank 

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