Harmonic Convergence Anniversary


We are in the 32nd cycle since the first wave of the Harmonic Convergence reach Mother Earth.

The Harmonic Convergence took place on August 17, 1987. Jose Arguelles defined it as: “the point at which the counter-spin of history finally comes to a momentary halt, and the still imperceptible spin of post-history commences.” 

It was the fulfillment of the prophecy of Quetzalcoatl, known as the Thirteen Heavens and Nine Hells.  The prophecy stated that following the ninth hell, humanity would know and experience an unprecedented New Age of Peace.  The Hell cycle ended on August 16, 1987; the Harmonic Convergence began on August 17.  Thus, began the projected twenty-five year culmination of the 5,125 year Great Cycle of History, as well as the 26,000-year cycle of evolution, both slated to end in 2012.

“The Harmonic Convergence was an announcement of the forthcoming end of time as we know it and a preparation to move from third-dimensional reality of space into fourth-dimensional reality of time.  Contrary to popular belief, it is time rather than gravity that keeps everything in the universe in order.  Time is the mathematics of the universal laws of nature, the unifying force that holds everything together.  The Mayans knew this, basing the Mayan calendar on the universal mathematics of the fourth dimension.  The frequency of time is the 13:20 ratio on which the Mayan calendar is based.  Humanity is now in the process of changing the old 12:60 (twelve months in a year, 60 minutes in an hour) timing frequency to the timing of natural law, thus taking us out of time as we know it and into fourth dimensional awareness.  When we have accomplished this transformation, we will enter a new path of spiritual and mental evolution in tune with the cycles of the universe.  Some call this “Heaven on Earth,”said Jose Arguelles.

For many of us, our spiritual paths had not begun before August 17, 1987 and some were not born.  As you look back, can you remember who you were and what your beliefs were?  As you begin to glance forward you can then see the changes that you have lived through.  Not just the physical changes but the change of your spirit as it has been expanding in your own understanding of yourself and in the world we live in.

On this day the energy of awakening a cosmic wave of energy was sent forth spiraling throughout the galaxies, began to inner our lives.   Awakening us from a long sleep, a sound began to reach into the sub-conscious of every being reminding them of their god selves.  As it is written in the bible in the beginning was the sound, this harmonic wave was the reconnection and the awakening of our spirits. So, where were you then, what did you believe?  Did you believe in angels, guides, masters, and reincarnation?  

It is time to remember that we are the caretakers of our great mother earth.  As we become more involved with love and loving all things with consciousness the shifts that we are experiencing will be easier and gentler.  Consciousness and the expansion of whom and what we are, are our only true tools. DNA shifts are taken place in us as a race of beings.  We are becoming less dense and lighter. This shift is taking place not only in people but in all life.

We can no longer wait for someone or something to save us from what we have created in our lives. We are our saviors. Do not look to people from other planets to rescue us. It is not their job. It is our turn to become responsible and practice love at all times.

I was at the healing ranch here in Waller sitting at the sacred circle of fire, when I began to experience what many called the Holy Spirit, the Eck or the Mystical Body of the Divine, I call this energy the Cosmic Consciousness.

As this mystical feeling emerge itself around me I was reminded that all of us live in this mystical energy field of the Divine.  There is no way to ever disconnect from it – only in our mind do we analyzed it and deny its existence, but we are always connected.  We are in it as it is in us.  It is the life force of all things seen and unseen. As you practice connecting and being in it you will understand that you are protected, guided, loved and provided for, when you allow it to flow into your life.

On August 16 and 17th give thanks for the expansion and love that is constantly flowing into our lives, the more we are grateful the greater amount of love each of us will receive.

May the blessing be,

Soul retrievals—Chakra balancing –Crystal healing—Clairvoyant, Psychic reading

Oriental and alternative medicine—Intuitive counseling- Crystal bowl sound therapy


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