Giving up Gravity for Grace

Gravity for Grace

The Pisces – Virgo Lunar Nodes

On January 11, 2025, the Lunar Nodes enter the Pisces – Virgo axis, where they will remain until July 2026.  This cycle repeats approximately every nineteen years by transit, spending about 1.5 years in each sign axis.  To better understand what this transit means for you, it helps to review experiences,  insights, and patterns that came up for review in your life during previous periods of the same transit.  Previous Pisces – Virgo transits of the Moon’s Nodes occurred during:

June 2006 – December 2007                               December 1987 – May 1989                  

April 1969 – November 1970                              July 1950 – March 1952

The transiting nodes are like a “Cosmic Progress Report“, providing insight into life path direction as it relates to the “soul’s evolutionary journey”.  The South Node reveals unfinished business from the past, still needing resolution, and the North Node coincides with new experiences and opportunities required to evolve in this lifetime.  We become aware of changes we need to make to adapt life circumstances in order to live in a way which enables us to more honestly pursue or follow our “life path” or purpose.  If we’re on the right track, nodal transits bring “gifts” in the form of positive support or success indicators relating to one’s current course, and a fulfilling and meaningful sense of accomplishment that comes when one is operating in attunement with soul purpose.  The need to somehow change direction is indicated by challenges in the form of blocks, resistance, or negative feedback (lack of support) that impede one’s progress and  require struggle to achieve or move forward on one’s course.   We realize how much energy is being wasted fighting to overcome resistance, with little if any emotional and spiritual reward in return.             

Transiting Nodes describe the “work of the soul” on both the personal and collective level.  The transiting North Node describes an area needing growth and expanded awareness and often requires emotional “risk-taking behavior” and the need to venture into unfamiliar territory.  Insecurities around that area are sensitized and exaggerated, which forces us to “push through” fear and become emotionally stronger and more grounded in that area.  The transiting South Node describes the “comfort zone” to which we retreat when the “new path” feels threatening.  Moving forward always requires that we leave something behind.  If we are too attached to that “something”, then fear of its loss may impede the soul’s progress.  The South Node sign describes the mode of behavior we fall back on when going forward is just too scary. 

With North Node in Pisces, the importance of the spiritual aspect of our existence, and issues relating to the spiritual principles that guide us in the way we choose to live our lives, come to the foreground in consciousness.  We will all be re-evaluating and redefining these principles in the face of life experiences that challenge previously held beliefs.  As our “sacred cows” come into question, our spiritual understanding must evolve to embrace a broader perspective of what spirituality looks like and how it is practiced in our everyday lives.  Unfortunately, the thing that is most likely to inspire such a spiritual search is suffering and loss.  We tend to seek spiritual guidance when we are in pain or afraid, feeling vulnerable, lost and hopeless, and basically have no place else to turn.  Pisces lessons teach us how to surrender with grace when there is nothing we can do to change or fix the problem, accept and forgive ourselves (and then others) for being flawed Human Beings, and practice compassion and empathy toward all creatures who suffer.  Pisces also tests our ability to establish and maintain clear strong emotional and psychic boundaries so as to discern between personal feelings and the feelings of others being absorbed empathically.

Pisces rules the realm of imagination, fantasy, and dreams.  “Healthy escape” is an essential component of a balanced life, and when “reality” weighs too heavily for too long, without a break, all areas of life are adversely affected.  Transcendence, or the ability to rise above the limits and struggles of harsh reality, is one of Pisces’ superpowers!  We are likely to be inspired to explore new avenues of healthy escapism through creative pursuits.  Piscean creativity is often an attempt to translate “The Sublime”, spiritual revelation or that overwhelming experience of being at one with The Divine, in some coherent way.   We are likely to find ourselves placing greater value on time spent in solitude, engaged in those mindless activities that quiet the mind, provide peace, and soothe the soul.  These are different for  everyone, so there is no “one size fits all” path to inner peace.  Be it spending more time in nature, reading a good book, meditating, exercising, soaking in a bubble bath, or working crafts, the important thing is to realize that time spent in these pursuits is just as important, if not more so, as time spent achieving some “productive” goal/end product.  We are also likely to become more aware, through exaggeration and negative experience, of those unhealthy modes of escape that do not serve us well, and our delusions, which may actually do us harm.  The good news is, things have a magical way of disappearing and dissipating into the ethers when Neptunian Pisces energy is in play. That which no longer serves your higher good (soul’s purpose) may simply go the way of the dodo bird with very little effort on your part, if you simply allow it to dissolve.   

Finally, the veil that separates us from other dimensional experiences is much thinner and more permeable in the oceanic Piscean realm.  Whether we call it divine inspiration, intuitive knowing, or sheer madness, information available from this nonrational, highly symbolic, magically synchronistic, and individually defined realm is easier to access, and in some cases, impossible to avoid.  Such increased psychic sensitivity may be confusing, especially for those who have built strong barriers to protect themselves from the confusing intrusion of extrasensory information, preferring reason and logic to the language of the gut.  If we make time and create space for this experience, and respect it as one more variable to consider in our decision-making process, we will add a precious piece to our consciousness growing repertoire!

The transiting South Node will emphasize the more challenging aspects of Virgo energy.  The tendency will be to feed our illusion of/addiction to order, control and perfection by seeking logic and mental clarity even when there is no logic to be had.   Energy spent on trying to fix what is not broken will be especially exhausting.  Ulterior motives for altruistic service (i.e. ego, power, control, etc.) will be exposed.  If we criticize, judge, or find fault when compassion and empathy are what is needed, our efforts to “help” will fall on deaf ears, and might even blow up in our faces in very unpleasant ways.  Any OCD tendencies that we secretly harbor are likely to reach the level of full-blown obsession, for all to see!  Until July 2026, when the Lunar Nodes enter the Aquarius – Leo axis,  the Devil is NOT in the details, but in our addiction to them!

The goal is, of course, to integrate the nodal axis, to dance wisely and gracefully along the spectrum of experience between two opposing energetic principles, depending on what works best according to the circumstances.  In the case of the Pisces-Virgo axis, integration is the ability to apply practical reality to dreams, soul yearnings, and our experience of other dimensional realities, like psychic and intuitive energies, that reality cannot validate.  It is also the wisdom to practically apply spiritual principles to daily life, find and honor the sacred in the mundane, and recognize the Divine as it exists in everything.   It is the acceptance that not all things can be fixed and the emotional strength to surrender and adapt to a “reality” we did not choose or want, or let go of the illusion of control and embrace one’s vulnerability in an unpredictable world.  It is understanding the true nature of service to be “karma free”, performed from a place of unconditional love, rather than sacrifice/ suffering or duty/obligation, which produces karmic debt for the recipient.  The goal is to become the authority of, and take responsibility for, our own Spiritual Path and choices along the way and to learn how to function effectively (take care of the business of living) even amidst chaos and uncertainty.  As one born with this nodal axis, I offer this wisdom gleaned from a lifetime of learning:  Life is a much more wonderful experience when you commit to “having tea with God/Goddess” on a daily basis, even when life is good, just to connect and commune, to seek guidance and express gratitude.  The Force is always with us, alive and in all things! We need only be still, pay attention, and know!

Kimberly McSherry

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