Clear skies ahead? The First State to Ban ‘Chemtrails’

The First State to Ban ‘Chemtrails’

In March 2021, My Indigo Sun shared with its readers a video documentary titled “The Dimming”. This full-length film authored by lead researcher Dane Wigington from, delves into the controversial subject of weather modification, asserting that humanity faces an existential crisis due to current geoengineering practices. These activities, the documentary claims, not only alter the climate but also adversely affect flora, fauna, and human health.

“The Dimming” has sparked widespread debate, raising important questions and prompting further research into the implications of geoengineering. It has encouraged many of our readers to observe the skies more frequently, noting unusually persistent grey skies that barely change color from day to night, and trails against the blue expanse.

While initially labeled as conspiracy theorists, supporters of the documentary’s viewpoints have seen a shift in public and legislative perception over the past three years. In a significant development, Governor Bill Lee of Tennessee signed a groundbreaking bill that took effect on July 1, 2024. This legislation, detailed in Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 68, Chapter 201, Part 1, expressly prohibits any form of atmospheric chemical dispersion intended to influence weather patterns or solar intensity within the state’s borders.

This legal action was also based on congressionally mandated White House report on solar geoengineering, released last year, which, despite confirming no current plans for a comprehensive research program on solar radiation modification, acknowledged the ongoing discourse surrounding climate control initiatives and gaps in knowledge how these initiatives impact human health and environment.

As Tennessee paves the way with its new law, seven other states are considering similar measures, suggesting a potential shift towards mainstream acceptance of regulations against geoengineering called “conspiracy theory” just three years ago. 

For those yet to explore “The Dimming,” the link provided below offers an opportunity to view the documentary and form your own opinions on this critical issue.

Katerina Belik

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