Welcome 2021 – Love Breaking Through the Clouds
After 2020, we welcome 2021 with open arms, a clearer mind and a spacious heart that has been stretched wide, ready and willing to receive the many blessings to come.
After 2020, we welcome 2021 with open arms, a clearer mind and a spacious heart that has been stretched wide, ready and willing to receive the many blessings to come.
The Aquarian Age began “cusping” in the mid 1700’s, with the discovery of Uranus, the planetary ruler of Aquarius. Since then, Aquarian principles and concepts have been growing in the collective mind, and asserting ever stronger influence on our perspectives and the way we live our lives.
Last month we looked at how the astrological ages of Virgo, Leo, Cancer and Gemini informed Human consciousness, each adding to the evolution of Humanity in specific ways proscribed by that sign. The saga continues this month as we explore our more recent history, the ages of Taurus, Aries and Pisces, from around 4000 BC to today.
On December 16, 2020 Saturn will enter Aquarius, where it will remain until March of 2023. She will be joined two days later by Jupiter, which will also remain in Aquarius leading Saturn’s way, until 2021. The joining of Jupiter and Saturn at 0 degrees of Aquarius, is an extremely significant symbol that the New Age of Aquarius is here.
The Aquarian Age began “cusping” in the mid 1700’s, with the discovery of Uranus, the planetary ruler of Aquarius.
You cannot beat a river into submission. You must surrender to its current and use its power as your own.” (The Ancient One, Doctor Strange, 2016)
The astrological ages are periods of time lasting for approximately 2000 years. These ages are based on The Precession of the Equinox, an astronomical phenomenon relating to Earth’s “wobble” around the polar axis like a spinning top.
The New Moon of Aries begins a yearly month-long process of rebirth and renewal.
Along with “working the phases” of the Moon, I encourage you to consider creating a Lunar Altar each month. Your lunar altar is a place to help you focus your intentions, seek spiritual support to achieve your goals (the lunar work of that month), and demonstrate your value and respect for this work.
Working with the Phases of The Moon helps to more productively work with the “process” and remain more conscious of the personal opportunities presented by each New Moon.