Contemplating Chaos: A Metaphysical and Scientific View on the Uncertain

Our world is both orderly and chaotic. Newtonian mechanics can predict the planetary motions and gravity produces predictable universal effects. In this sense, science speaks of deterministic conditions or predictable sets of outcomes. But in many other instances, what starts as determinism gives way to chaos or unpredictability.

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2025 – Teetering on the Brink of The Great Cosmic Shift: Out With the Old, In With the … Yet To Be Imagined!

The year 2025 is likely to be a year of massive shifts and changes in collective consciousness on several levels.  Along with Pluto’s permanent ingress into Aquarius, the outer planets, Uranus and Neptune, as well as Saturn, begin completion of their long journeys through Pisces and Taurus and shift into the next signs, Aries and Gemini.

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Life Path Number 11: Mastering the Balance Between Vision and Reality

Numerology’s foundation is the Life Path Number, derived from your birthdate. It serves as your unchanging guide to life and represents approximately 50% of your “core,” a group of five primary numbers in your numerology chart. 

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Understanding the Four Basic Hand Shapes in Modern Palmistry

In modern palmistry, most schools now use a four-category hand system, an adaptation of the ancient Chinese system that has been updated and anglicized for contemporary Western practice. If you look at your own hand, it will roughly fit into one of these four categories.

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Pluto In Aquarius: Defining a New Reality

On November 19, 2024, Pluto, planet of death, rebirth and collective transformation, enters Aquarius, where it will take permanent residence through January 2044.   Despite its brief return to Capricorn from September through November, just in time for the presidential election, we have been experiencing events that clearly describe this shift for the past two years as Pluto has crossed and hovered over 0 degrees of Aquarius.

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Read more about the article Close Encounters of the Healing Kind
Lighting love, Silhouette of Asian couple hold hands walking on grassland.

Close Encounters of the Healing Kind

I went to sleep thinking about what I would write about today. As I often do, I asked my inner Self for any help on what to write about. Usually, I wake up with clear guidance and proceed. Today, I woke up to the phone ringing as a dear friend was calling me. We talked for about 45 minutes, and it was like a therapy session. For fifteen years we have taken turns being supportive of each other.

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The Jupiter-Saturn Square: Revisiting Tecumseh’s Curse

The current transit of  Jupiter in Gemini directs our search for “Truth” (our desire to grow consciousness and  the mode through which we are most likely to find understanding and wisdom needed at this time) toward the airy, mercurial realm of thought.  Our philosophy of life (a conglomeration of principles, beliefs, perspectives, and ideals that color our perception of ourselves and the world) is experiencing “information overload”.  

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