Tarot and Relationships with Yourself
When people think about tarot and relationships, I’ve noticed they have a tendency to think about it in terms of “Is he cheating on me?” and “Why is she trying to ruin my life?” This is totally understandable.
When people think about tarot and relationships, I’ve noticed they have a tendency to think about it in terms of “Is he cheating on me?” and “Why is she trying to ruin my life?” This is totally understandable.
Spiritual alchemy is about freeing your spirit, freeing it from core wounds and core beliefs that create self-destructive personality traits. It’s about inner liberation. Spiritual Alchemy’s greatest achievement is to create an interrelationship between the ego and the heart. Spiritual alchemy leads you to inner peace and harmony through transformation and change. It is about transforming your emotions, your consciousness and ultimately your spirit. It is about freeing your spirit through self-love and self-acceptance to live a life without judgment.
All things in existence are matter vibrating at a specific frequency. To make this concept easier to understand, think of everything in the universe as sound or light waves. Frequencies that are too fast or too slow, cannot be detected by human perception. The sounds we can hear and the colors we can see are miniscule when compared to what makes up the universe!
Think deeply about ideal utopia. Designed from life's eternal cornucopia.
The use of sacred chants has become incredibly popular since 2013, when Oprah and Deepak Chopra launched their first of what would become a successful series of 21 day meditation challenges.
We live in a 3-dimensional world as 3-dimensional beings. Money is still the primary energetic expression of how we interact with people and surroundings. In other words: the way we spend our money, is how we express ourselves and desires to the universe.
With the holidays in full swing, when we should be getting ready for jolly and cheer, many are suffering from isolation, loss of a job, or a loved one.
Grief comes in all shapes and sizes like a divorce, loss of a job, or a relationship. One of life’s most difficult experiences is losing a loved one. It would be easier if grief were a linear process with a beginning and end, but it is not.
We are taught to be a good person, obey the rules, do as you are told, work hard and you will have a happy life. This is the beginning to what I refer to as the big fat lies.
Honoring our deceased loved ones and ancestors is a very important part of life. Where you came from, what your ancestors taught you are all a part of how you live. When you honor your deceased loved ones, you are saying, “I love you,” “I thank you,” “I will live on for you.”