VIRGO – The Servant and Analyst

The sign of Virgo which is the sixth sign of the zodiac (approximately August 24th through September 23rd), and developmentally it is approximately from the ages of nineteen to twenty-six. In this insecure time of our development, we are just beginning to learn the necessary skills that will help us become productive members of society. Virgos worry obsessively about making mistakes, so their concerns are to become the efficiency expert at a chosen vocation or craft.

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Shadow Work and Your Astrology- Part 5

It is like decoding the Self to be able to see your birth chart and your partners and then talk about it. So many misunderstandings have to do with being convinced that our partners are making a mistake or doing something we think is wrong when they are only following their own unique internal energy, their most dominant elements or functions.

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Anger Management through Ayurveda

On the drive home from my daughter’s piano recital in Denver today, my family got caught up intently listening to an NPR program on ‘The Logic of Rage’. Several mild-mannered people told stories of how they were triggered into pure rage. So much so, that they felt like an outsider watching themselves as they lashed out in one way or another.

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Shadow Work and Your Astrology – Part 4. Compensatory Factor in the Unconscious

“The ego-conscious personality is only a part of the whole man, and its life does not yet represent his total life. … Since everything living strives for wholeness, the inevitable one-sidedness of our conscious life is continually being corrected and compensated by the universal human being in us, whose goal is the ultimate integration of conscious and unconscious, or better, the assimilation of the ego to a wider personality.”

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The psyche is a closed system

This means that all of our emotions and beliefs are still there even if we decide to ignore them in the moment. They don’t leave us. They stay within us but become invisible to us. In mythology, this is represented by the Greek god Hades, or the Roman god Pluto, who wore a helmet that made him invisible to mortals.

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Shadow Work and Your Astrology. Relationships as Mirrors – Part 3

“Projection? You project. I am objective. I observe.” That’s our ego talking to us or someone else. The actuality is our ego develops slowly in increments and is often barricaded behind a belief that it is the center of our psyche and that it always knows who we are and what our motives are.

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