Calm the Nervous System with Aromatherapy

Calm the Nervous System

From Another Perspective

As I sit on the wicker glider on my front porch and consider the world around me, I discover that the birds are singing as they get ready for spring.  I hear dogs playfully barking as people walk by.  I see the crocus flowers refusing to wait another day as the buds push up through the soil.  I congratulate a friend at the birth of her grandson!  I’m in contact via text, email, or phone calls with hundreds of my “closest” friends and I count my blessings for each one of them.  Evidence, that despite what’s going on in our environment right now, there’s a beautiful world in our midst.  Do YOU see it?

With pandemic news updates around the clock, our concern for family/friends, our disrupted daily routines, and the uncertainty of the future, it’s no wonder our stress levels are high, and our nervous systems are on sympathetic overload!

Let’s explore what’s going on inside and then share some simply natural solutions to restore calm and brighten moods!

How Do We Process What We See?

Our nervous system is comprised of the central and peripheral nervous systems.  The brain’s many components are responsible for our perception of the world around us. The lobes of the cerebrum are responsible for reasoning and thought, integrating sensory information, and processing auditory and visual information.

We are designed for awareness of the world around us.

The Thalamus is like a relay station directing sensory impulses to the cerebrum.  The Hypothalamus helps to control and regulate temperature, appetite, hydration, sleep, emotions, and even the constriction/dilation of blood vessels. 

Through the peripheral nervous system, we carry motor and sensory information to/from the brain as we process the world around us.  We may react with a “fight or flight” response to danger (perceived or otherwise) and then bring all systems of the body back to normal when it is over (homestasis).

We are designed to respond to the world around us.

The body is in a constant state of observation and reaction!  The nervous system coordinates all the activities of the body and provides an ability for us to respond and adapt to changes.

Survival Mode

The goal of the nervous system’s fight or flight response is to help you survive.  Inside your body, there is a lot of activity.   Blood flows generously to cardiac and skeletal muscles, pulmonary function improves and oxygen uptake in the body increases.  Chemical reactions include an increase in blood glucose, cortisol, and adrenaline levels to support the body’s increased energy consumption. …all things that are helpful when you need to run away from the saber-toothed tiger (or deal with a worldwide pandemic)!

During this state, we are more alert and have greater capacity for physical activity.  We all have heard stories of people who demonstrated tremendous strength during a crisis which allowed them to do something they normally could not do.  Also, during this sympathetic state, digestion, immune function, and other resting state functions diminish or completely stop.


Let me emphasize that:  When our nervous system has been triggered and we are responding in “survival” mode, our immune function can be diminished!  Consequently, to boost immune function, we need to support the body’s return to homeostasis!

Ways to Calm the Nervous System

  • Essential oils made from the trunk, roots, and stems of trees are very grounding and stabilizing!  They have a calming effect on our nervous system and emotions and help us feel less anxious or tense.  Examples of wood oils are Cedarwood, Frankincense, Myrrh, Vetiver, Ho Wood, Spruce, and Siberian Fir.*  Simply apply 1-2 drops topically on the back of your neck, the bottom of your feet, or in your diffuser.
  • Keep stress under control!  Lavender essential oil helps maintain healthy cortisol levels, one of your body’s stress hormones.  Apply a few drops to your hands, neck, or pulse points to help manage your body’s stress response naturally*!  You can also reduce stress (night or day) with a drop or two of these powerful stress relievers:  Basil, Bergamot, Frankincense, Lemon, Petitgrain, or Wild Orange essential oils. 
  • Rosemary essential oil helps reduce nervous tension and occasional fatigue.  This wonderful oil also supports healthy respiratory/immune function and may help to support healthy digestion. Take 1-2 drops in a capsule to support healthy internal organ function.
  • Be adaptive!  When stress and tension seem to be relentless, use this blend to help get comfortable with new surroundings or situations:  Lavender, Magnolia, Neroli, Sweetgum (stress-relieving effects); Wild Orange, Spearmint (energize, uplift); Copaiba, Rosemary (soothe anxious feelings).  Make it in a roller bottle for convenient application all day long!
  • Get a good night sleep!  I love using essential oils to help promote better sleep.  Blend your favorite wood oil listed above with your favorite floral aromas like Jasmine, Lavender, Roman Chamomile, Rose, and Ylang Ylang.  Apply 1-2 drops topically on the bottom of your feet or in your diffuser.
  • Clary Sage essential oil helps the body produce Dopamine, a neurotransmitter with several distinct functions.  Dopamine plays a critical role in the function of the central nervous system, and it is also linked with the brain’s complex system of motivation and reward.  It also helps regulate body movement, attention, learning and mood.
  • Return to homeostasis, boost immune function, and support a healthy autonomic nervous system with an essential oil application technique of eight essential oils to the spine each week. Ask me more about this!

 Empowered Living with Terri Pace

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