Beyond the Dualistic Veil of Feminine and Masculine

Beyond the Dualistic Veil of Feminine and Masculine

For thousands of years, people referred to Earth as “Mother” and to God as “He” or “Father.” These metaphors were created to help us understand how the natural world functions, but there is no inherent truth or life in these human-made concepts.

Nature does not make distinctions between male and female. Nature flows through everything – totally, equally, indiscriminately. Nature IS EVERYTHING. Where is the line between male and female? How can Nature be only feminine? Just as how can God be only masculine? Holding on to these illusory distinctions (and discriminations) as if they are ultimately real is impeding the natural evolution of human consciousness.

We are living in momentous times – times of unprecedented changes in Energy and Consciousness. The most significant of these changes is that we are transitioning from living in a dualistic world to being in Non-Duality. For many, insisting on a definitive line between male and female is the last stronghold of the dualistic ego. When we see a person, we do not see them as Life, as a perfected expression of Nature. We see our dualistic programing of dark or light, good or bad, educated or uneducated, bland or beautiful, female or male, etc., along with all the emotional baggage attached to these labels. This dualistic way of life is dependent on a static idea of Life rather than Being Life. Until there is Realization of Non-Duality there will always be dueling dualisms!

This is why both the women’s movement and the gay-rights movement (including the whole “LGBTQ” movement) has been so disturbing for so many and so fundamental to the evolution of human consciousness. Now, there is growing awareness of people who are “intersex,” that is, have attributes of both sexes. This is creating quite a lot of controversy, especially in the athletic arena. It is challenging our need to categorize people as male or female, or in any way whatsoever.

The significance of letting go of categories such as masculine and feminine, is that human consciousness is becoming more and more all-inclusive. There is a readiness to see through appearances to the Truth, which is Love. This is part of the Awakening. This does not mean, however, that we should maintain a fixed self-identity of ANY kind. “Straight,” “gay,”  “intersex,” – these all place one in a box, which can get in the way of realizing one’s True Loving indescribable Nature.

Not being able to say with definitive certainty that this is what a male is supposed to be like and this is what a female is supposed to be like is very destabilizing for the status quo . . . and the status quo has been stuck in duality, with its fear and conflict ridden way of life for so long. Going beyond these separating ideas is essential for entering into Non-Duality, which is Divine Unconditional Love. In order for us to evolve to the next stage (and survive as a species), humanity must transition from basing reality on thoughts and beliefs, with its inherent comparisons, competition and conflict, to a Reality free of dualistic judgments.

Humanity and Nature:

A Love Affair of Awakening

Planet Earth Is Showing Us the Way to Love

No matter how popular the slogan “Save the planet” may be, planet Earth does NOT need saving. Planet Earth is completely, effortlessly, and immutably at one with the Divine.

Earth Loves us no matter how we treat it.

Is this a statement of arrogance and hubris, giving permission to mistreat it? No! We are actually afraid of OPENING to a Love that is so completely UNCONDITIONAL. Doing

so would forever change the unconscious attachment to the belief that we are separate from Nature and therefore forsaken. This perception of being separate and forsaken is behind every motivation to plunder, stockpile and rape the Earth in order to feel safe, secure and loved.

Notice how completely, tenderly and powerfully Nature pours its Love into us? The sun freely radiates its life-affirming light on both the saint and the sinner alike . . . and everyone else as well! The same goes for the shade of a tree, the scent of a flower, the life – giving elixir of water and the healing power of plants – they all give their blessings to the good and the bad, the high and low, the right and the wrong, the superior and inferior alike . . . and everyone and everything else as well!

Ever heard the lamentation: “Who will speak for the Earth?” As if we are in charge of deciding how the world should be. We don’t need to speak for the Earth, we need to LISTEN to its Divine messages of Love! We need to listen with our ears, our heart, our gut, and every pore of our being. Nature has been showing us the Way to Love all along, but we have been loathe to let go of our egoic arrogance, often hidden in the belief that we know what is best. Can we now see how “saving the planet” is a sophisticated and cunning way that the ego gets to hang on to its playing God? We need to LEARN from Nature about how to live in union with the Divine . . . . until we Realize that we ARE that same Nature.

Nature’s Sublime Message and Gift to Humanity

Here is a message of Unconditional Love from Nature:

“I AM your greatest Lover and Teacher.

Open fully to my loving, and comforting embrace. Awaken through my rousing call to be as pure and freely loving as I AM. See with a heart free of fear and lack, a world of unfathomable beauty, abundance, tender intimacy and expansive power.

You have not yet seen Me in my full majesty due to the deadening and distorting veil of your dualistic ideas and labels which you hang on to with egoic pride and prejudice. However, you must not judge your ego nor fear it, as I have never judged you nor feared you. Simply use Me as your example of embodied Unconditional Love. Open to that Love until we become One perfected embodiment of the Divine.

Expose your most anguishing shame to the light of My Sun and you will find no judgment, only illuminating Love.

Surrender your deepest and darkest desires to My Infinite Waters and you will find soothing acceptance and reassuring abundance.

Bring your grief and depression to My trees, forests and gardens, and you will find pure unbridled joy and aliveness. Wherever you are, whoever you are, I Love you just as you are. You may come to Me fearful, angry, downtrodden or full of hate, it does not matter. I have always been here for you, and I will always Love you.

When you have carefully and patiently studied Me and learned how to emulate My Unconditionally Loving ways;  when you have surrendered all of your limited ideas and judgments to My transcendent Love and Wisdom; when you have FULLY opened to My Loving Embrace, then you will have broken through the illusory fear and bondage that has ruled humanity for eons. 

Then, and only then, will you be in a position to return the Gift of Awakening to Nature and planet Earth.”

Humanity’s Final Gift to Nature

While I do not need saving nor a spokesperson, I AM waiting for that glorious day when you Awaken from the illusory egoic identi-ty to the Truth of who and what you are. On that day, you will em-body Infinite Life just as I AM. For while I AM, have always been and forever will be, an immutable servant of the Divine, YOU as a human being, will finally CHOOSE to align yourself with the Uni-versal so that You too will be a perfected expression of the Divine.

This additional quality of CHOICE and SELF-AWARENESS to Nature’s already existing unity with the Divine, will Awaken Life to new dimensions. Our roles will reverse: YOU will now be an example for and an awakener of Me!! Your very Presence will transmute ALL of Nature into an AWAKE version of Itself.

Loving Nature,


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Our mission is to help you live a healthy and inspired life. All answers to our modern life problems can be found in nature or within ourselves.  


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