Astrology and Synchronicity — What’s Inside is Outside

Astrology and Synchronicity

There is no better psychological system for recognizing our innate archetypal psychic structure and individual needs than through Astrology. When it comes to self-knowledge, it can explain all the different parts of us with amazing accuracy, however, that doesn’t mean they are always operating consciously. Socialized into wearing a mask, we hide the parts of ourselves that experienced the profound trauma of not having approval or acceptance in childhood. Initially, we meet each other through our persona — this social mask we all wear. Carl Jung says, 

“Designed on the one hand to make a definite impression upon others and, on the other, to conceal the true nature of the individual.”

Carl Jung, Two Essays in Analytical Psychology, par 309, pg 193

In this way, it acts as a buffer to protect our egos as we go out into the world. In Astrology, it closely resembles what we call the rising sign which is the sign on the first house cusp in our birth chart. To truly know us, a person will have to get through our various ego defenses that keep certain parts of us hidden. Studying analytical psychology, you’ll discover that there are many characters in us that even we don’t know.

Not only our society, our culture and our families, but especially our parents can be instrumental in giving us reasons to deny who we are when they recognize characteristics natural to us, but not acceptable to them.

What Astrologers call planets, Jung called archetypes. 

We are not born tabula rasa (blank slates) which is a state of not having preconceived ideas or predetermined goals. Indeed, we are born with predisposed patterns imprinted from birth.

“… the individual disposition is already a factor in childhood; It is innate, and not acquired in the course of life.”

— Carl Jung, Modern Man in Search of a Soul, pg 80

Our birth chart (time, place and date) describes our archetypal character traits and learning about our astrological blueprint is life changing. Briefly, the Sun is symbolic of our ego consciousness, our center, identity and our inherent need for self-esteem. Through our Sun we shine and our creativity is born. The Moon describes our emotional nature, our capacity to nurture and connect with others and along with Venus, both are descriptive of the feminine in us. Mercury symbolizes how we think, learn and communicate and especially how we assimilate information into our everyday experiences. Our Venus shows our need for security, comfort and pleasure by what we value, attract to ourselves and find beautiful. It also describes our style in relating when we desire intimacy with others. With Mars, we take action as it is our aggressive instinct to go after what we want. Whether we are male or female, we all have both a Venus and Mars function and these first five planets describe our basic personality. Next in this mix of characteristics, there are Jupiter and Saturn that give us the desire for social and interpersonal rules and structures. Jupiter shows how we search for meaning, our religious nature and our need to expand our horizons. Saturn is where we all feel inferior and where we will work extra hard to become our own authority. It is an accomplishment as we grow in our responsibility and make dutiful commitments to each other. Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are a trio of transpersonal planets that influence our need to relate to the transcendent (higher Self) in our inner world. They also describe generational movements in the collective unconscious which is what transforms the consciousness of the whole. 

These are all different aspects of our many selves with their own signs and aspects. Then, in addition to these influences, there are the twelve houses where the planets are tenanted providing a framework for lived experiences. No one is just one sign as we are usually strongly demonstrating three or four of them. As we begin to explore our own Astrological blueprint, we come to the realization that we are all very complicated people. In fact, no two people will be identical unless they happen to have been born the same day, city, state and country and exact time, am or pm. Like snowflakes, we each have all the archetypes only they are in different proportions.

Another term that Carl Jung introduced is the paradigm of “synchronicity.”

“Synchronicity therefore means the simultaneous occurrence of a certain psychic state with one or more external events which appear as meaningful parallels to the momentary subjective state.” — Carl Jung, The Structure and Dynamics of the Unconscious, Synchronicity, An Acausal Connecting Principal, Par 580 

Synchronicity is contradictory to the cause-and-effect scientific worldview that most adhere to. Yet, as our Astrology shows, we know that synchronicity occurs from the moment of birth. Objective is always mirroring subjective even if what is occurring seems as if it is random and chance to most people. 

Astrology is a synchronistic model par excellence that interprets our specific connection to the Cosmos. As a science of the soul, it shows us that what is inside is also outside in a person, an event, an object, etc. individually and collectively.  It is a multivalent symbolic language. This helps us let go of the belief that we are victims, the predominant worldview of the Age of Pisces. It offers us the opportunity to change ourselves through consciousness. As we become more conscious of our inner world as it relates to our outer world, we are each contributing to the evolution of the God image

In Carl Jung’s autobiography, he makes this profound statement, 

“As far as we can discern, the sole purpose of human existence is to kindle a light in the darkness of mere being. It may even be assumed that just as the unconscious affects us, so the increase in our consciousness affects the unconscious.” 

— Carl Jung, Memories, Dreams, Reflections, page 326

Rebeca Eigen
Rebeca Eigen, an astrologer for 25+ years and author of The Shadow Dance & the Astrological 7th House Workbook specializes in relationships. From every day decisions, to critical life-altering moments, Rebeca shares with you her practical wisdom and guidance for your life’s journey in becoming who you are meant to be. 

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