Astrological Insights for January 2023

Astrological Insights for January 2023


The energy of the retrograde Mars in sidereal Taurus will continue to dominate the January news headlines as reflected in violence and unrest occurring not just only in the United States but also in other parts of world, notably in Ukraine, Russia, China, and Iran. 
While Mars is retrograde, Mercury becomes retrograde towards the end of December and remains retrograde till January 19. Typically, retrograde Mercury means anxieties, communication breakdowns, unexpected delays, frustrations, missing deadlines, unforeseen obstacles, and disappointment in daily chores. The details on both retrograde Mars and Mercury are provided below.

One of the most important planetary events of 2023 is going to occur around mid-January thru mid-February of 2023 when Neptune will be reentering in sidereal Pisces (Feb 15) and Saturn in sidereal Aquarius (Jan 17) simultaneously. The manifestation of the preview of this early 2023 event has been slowly emerging as it seems to be clearly reflected in the current protests and unrest in authoritarian regimes like China (recent protest in Shanghai), Russia (the new military recruiters and soldiers fleeing Russia) and Iran (niece of Iran’s supreme leader speaks out against his “murderous and child-killing regime” as protest continues).  As a result, it’s very likely that the friction between the Unites States and Russia, as well as that between the United States and China, and United States and Iran will be becoming more severe. 
Finally, the Saturn’s reentry in the sidereal Aquarius (Jan 17) may signal the beginning of the end of Covid-19 era.  Also, Covid-19 may be on its way out, albeit slowly by mid-2023. More on this is covered in the 2023 annual predictions and below.

Financial Crisis, Cyber wars, and Internet communications breakdown (Oct 31- Jan 13, 2023)

Mars became retrograde on October 31, 2022 in sidereal Gemini. It returned to Taurus on November 14, 2022 due to its retrograde motion. It becomes direct on January 13 in Taurus and returns to Gemini on March 13, 2023. 
Astrologically speaking, what “the retrograde Mars” means? And what can we expect from the retrograde Mars?
In general, when a planet turns retrograde, the positive energy offered by that planet is expected to slowly diminish. For an individual, any planet can be positive or negative based on its placement in the natal chart.  
The positive side of Mars is: amazing energy, independence and high ego.  While high ego proves to be ultimately negative, it does help in the beginning to provide an individual in utilizing that amazing energy of Mars with total independence. It makes the person feel he/or she is a master of the universe.  The ego help maintains that momentum of Mars to push forward and conquer more frontiers.  However, if not correctly understood through awareness, the same ego can make person arrogant, dictator, un-empathetic and inhuman.  Thus, a poorly placed Mars can lead to the self-destruction.
Now when Mars is retrograde, a favorably placed Mars is not expected to perform 100% (unless it’s an auspicious Mars) as its speed slows down.  A poorly placed Mars makes things worse during the retrograde period if it’s transiting through the unfavorable house in the transit chart.  

The transit of Mars in Taurus (the earth sign) means significant volatility in financial markets and drastic changes and shifts in international politics. 

For those of you who have poorly placed predominant Mars in their birth chart, and if its energy is active, you through the Gochar (transit) chart, then, you are very likely to experience a sudden setback in your professional as well as in other activities.  You may have to repeat things over many times to get it right, or you may have to deal with unfortunate and totally unexpected circumstances. 

(You can schedule a consultation with me to learn how best navigate this time.) 

The Taurus retrograde Mars is going to be unfavorable for those who have Taurus, Gemini, Leo, Scorpio, Sagittarius and Aries as a rising sign or ninefold (Navamansa) ascendant. It’s going to be very challenging and frustrating period if you have an active Mars in your Gochar (transit) chart. In particular, business people, politicians, corporations, and financial organizations are likely to experience a challenging and trying period.

At a collective level, expect a political tension building among developed nations.  Financial crisis in UK may become very severe during Nov 14 – Jan 13.  Cyber wars and internet communication breakdowns will likely to be more frequent. Destruction of wealth due to natural calamities (fires, flooding, tornadoes, earthquakes, etc.) or man-made accidents (social and/or political unrest) are also very likely. 

Anxieties, Communication breakdowns, Delays and Frustrating period (Jan 14 – Feb 4) 

On December 29, 2022, the planet Mercury became retrograde in sidereal Capricorn then returned to Sagittarius two days later on December 31. It will stay retrograde in Sagittarius until January 19. Typically, retrograde Mercury means anxieties, communication breakdowns, unexpected delays, frustrations, missing deadlines, unforeseen obstacles, and disappointment in daily chores. Retrograde Mercury in Sagittarius means more frustrating period for leaders in general, and particularly for religious leaders, explorers, philosophers, and researchers. This is not a good time to start a new project or venture, but rather reflect on what’s been done so far. Also, this is the best time to cleanup that closet and do other chores that you have been postponing due to lack of time. 
In addition, if you have dominating Mercury in your birth chart and if Mercury is currently your active planet, then you are more likely to experience the pronounced effects of retrograde Mercury with respect to matters signified by the house it’s currently transiting through in your Gochar (transit) chart. 

Authoritarian Regimes facing more crises and loss of control

With Neptune’s return to the sidereal Aquarius on September 17 we have witnessed a temporary but a sudden shift in our collective consciousness. 

With Neptune re-entering sidereal Pisces on Feb 17, 2023, and Pisces being a sign unfavorable for dictators and authoritarian regimes, it will certainly affect the matters related to authoritarian regimes in a significant way – you will learn more from 2023 annual predictions.   The manifestation of the preview of this early 2023 event has been slowly emerging, and latest protests and unrest in authoritarian countries like China, Russia and Iran are clear evidence to that.  As a result, it’s very likely that the friction between the Unites States and Russia, as well as that between the United States and China, and United States and Iran will likely to intensify. 

Beginning of upheaval in Social Media Industries

On July 14, Saturn with its retrograde motion returned to sidereal Capricorn and it will stay in Capricorn until January 17, 2023.  On January 17, Saturn returns to the sidereal Aquarius and will stay in Aquarius until March 29, 2025.

What does Saturn in the sidereal Aquarius mean?

Aquarius being the air (intelligence) and fixed (perseverance) sign, Saturn’s energy will likely be strongly reflected in the scientific research that deal with information technology which help us collectively bring us together at a phenomenal rate leading to a new level of understanding of this world as a part of the process of our spiritual growth. 
As a result, we will see philanthropists, social reformers, philosophers, scientists, spiritual leaders (not religious leaders) and peace-makers will shape our world with better clarity and purpose.
On the downside, some of the prominent social media and internet related companies will likely to go under and replaced with new alternatives as a part of Saturn/Pluto’s transformation process.

Those who have Saturn in Aquarius (Saturn return) in their natal charts have already been experiencing Saturn’s energy as their lives transformed to new settings due to a drastic change (mostly) at mental and psychological levels. In my opinion, despite a painful period of frustration due to unexpected drastic changes in life, it’s going to be an exciting period for those who have dominant Saturn in their birth chart and have Aries, Taurus, Virgo and Sagittarius as their natal ninefold (Navamansha) ascendant. 

Is Russian-Ukraine war and senseless killings… going away?

Since last couple of months, the momentum of the war between Russia and Ukraine continued with unprecedented casualties on both sides. Until Saturn completely returns to Aquarius (January 2023), the Ukraine war is likely to continue its course of devastation and destabilization of the country. After January 2023, however, the war between Ukraine and Russia will likely intensify in Cyber-space as well.  

Global Insights

The important challenging possibilities for January include: 
Jan 2-9:  Russia and/or China likely to face unpredictable and chaotic period
Jan 13-17:  World religions are likely to be challenged with earthshaking ideas that they must attend to. Those religious leaders, who are willing to be open-minded, ready to listen and act on new and fresh ideas, are the ones that will transform our religious world and take it to a new level. 
Jan 21-26:  Political or social turmoil in the United States, Russia, or China. The rise in tensions among these nations cannot be ruled out easily.
Jan 29 – Feb 3:  An eruption of new waves of violence in the Palestine-Israel and Afghanistan-Pakistan regions. The resulting changes are likely to become irreversible. In addition, world religions, in general, and religious leaders in particular, may go through undesirable situations forcing them to change. In other words, the orthodox religious leaders may be forced to change the way they handle their responsibilities. 

The important auspicious possibilities for January include: 

Jan 6-14:  Significant progress, inventions, and discoveries in technological field. Spiritual and religious activities are likely to impart positive energy and create a very healthy atmosphere around us.
Jan 12-30:  An extraordinary time for technological discoveries and inventions.  Expect some new important technological breakthroughs during this month. For the United States, in general, it’s going to be a remarkable and successful month.
Jan 22-29:  A good period for European economy. This period is also good for progress in technical fields (new innovations and discoveries) and religious reconciliation.
The countries that are more likely to be affected during this month are:  Russia, Ukraine, China, Europe, United States, the Middle Eastern countries, especially Israel and Palestine region.

Planetary Energies for Individuals   

Pluto-Uranus ninefold trine  (Jan 12-30)

Uranus-Pluto ninefold trine is going to be favorable for those who have these planets favorably placed in their natal charts.  Expect monetary as well as power gains, promotions, and improved prestige in professional and social fields.  The idea that you always wanted to pursue but somehow could never get started….now is the time to follow that dream. You will distinctly notice and feel the positive impulse during this period.  It’s time to jump in and enjoy riding the wave.

Uranus-Saturn ninefold conjunction (Jan 21-26)

Saturn-Uranus ninefold conjunction is challenging for those who have such conjunction, opposition or square in their birth charts. In addition, if the planet Uranus or Saturn is being active via your Gocher (transit) chart, then you might want to consider taking extra precautions in the areas which are affected by these planets as shown in your natal chart.  Avoid taking any kind of risk during this period.  Such conjunction can make things very difficult for you. Staying low key is certainly the way to go.  Try avoiding any new ventures and postpone you all important matters till this period is over. 

Jagdish Maheshri
Professional Vedic Astrologer

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