Spiritual Alchemy

Spiritual Alchemy

Spiritual alchemy is about freeing your spirit, freeing it from core wounds and core beliefs that create self-destructive personality traits.  It’s about inner liberation. Spiritual Alchemy’s greatest achievement is to create an interrelationship between the ego and the heart.  Spiritual alchemy leads you to inner peace and harmony through transformation and change. It is about transforming your emotions, your consciousness and ultimately your spirit. It is about freeing your spirit through self-love and self-acceptance to live a life without judgment.  

Spiritual alchemy is about healing and freeing your core wounds – created out of shame, blame, judgment, fear, and guilt. 

Core beliefs were created outside of you. They were all created with an agenda that did not have your happiness in mind. Core beliefs lead you to live someone else’s life; live this way and do that way, and you will be a good person. Living someone else’s beliefs causes core wounds, leaving a disconnect from your authentic self, your truth.

Existing in an awakened state as co-creator in your truth is soulful awareness. It is the gold of spiritual alchemy. It restructures your core values to essential values and releases self-doubt, self-loathing, and judgment. 

Spiritual alchemy allows your fullest potential to unfold. It strengthens your intuitive connection with your higher self-awakening and empowering your Divine Self. 

Steps to spiritual alchemy 

1.Find the beliefs keeping you from happiness and break them down.

 Create new beliefs.  Let go of the desire to be right, to be the best or perfect, they all destroy happiness.  It is the desire to be validated that creates self-doubt, self-sabotaging and pride. Search what is underneath the ego’s desires of wanting to be validated.

2. Let go of pride and self-doubt. Embrace and accept your positive and negative qualities.

 Take responsibility for everything in your life and embrace it as collecting soul wisdom.  This IS part of owning your worth. The impact you make on others, good and bad. Become aware of how your behavior is affecting others. This is the beginning of the awakening process. Transformation is often brought about by illness and misfortunes, break ups, or accidents in your life. They cause you to evaluate and pay attention to what truly matters.

3. Embrace your emotions and honor your thoughts.  They can’t be isolated or separated. It is like holding on to resenting someone in your mind while trying to forgive them in your heart.  Become aware of your authentic feelings. Use and be willing to experience your anger, frustration, and disappointments. Don’t stuff it away because it is the right thing to do. 

4. Create inner space to truly and honestly accept all the parts of your authentic self.  Allow all of your unconscious thoughts and feelings to bubble up to the surface and into the light of conscious awareness.  Journaling and spending alone time contemplating and meditating help to do it. 

5. Rebirth your authentic and divine self.  Your true self. Your conscious and unconscious mind. See the world in a new light. Let go of all the aspects of yourself that don’t serve joyfulness and love.  

6. Integrate all of your transformation and new wisdom into your life.  Bring your inner peace into all of your life.  Get your yoga off the mat, your meditative state into your awakened state of mindfulness. Let YOUR truth be filled and supported with divine joy.

7.  Embrace and become free from the unconscious mind. Live as a conscious creator. Know what beliefs are feeding your decisions and driving your life. Living in an awakened state connects with more of your Spirit. The more connected to your spirit the more vibrant, happy, enthusiastic, confident, balanced and clear you will be. 

Actions to Support Spiritual Alchemy Physically:

• Change your diet – eat clean – live clean. Preservatives and processed foods affect your emotions 

• Create a self-care program

• Change your daily routines into daily rituals 

• Do qigong, yoga, or tribal dancing to awaken your passion 

• Organize your life based on your essential beliefs.

Vasiliki Lagoudis
Medicine Woman

Vasiliki is the visionary and sage behind Teaching Spirit Retreat Centers.  An intuitive healer, mother, and spiritual leader, she is a multi-faceted individual who has transformed her entire being through profound teachings and life experiences. With her uncanny ability to use her natural born gifts and innate wisdom to balance all aspects of life, she freely shares love, light, and service.

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