My Favorite Spiritual Go-To’s

Nancy's article

After numerous years of working on my own spiritual energies and with clients, I’ve learned some simple but powerful strategies that help create my best day. These simple tips are my favorite go-to’s that keep me focused, my energies at higher and clearer levels, and get reliable and consistent results every time.

When used daily, they can help you access higher sources of energy and intuition as well as keeping you calm, positive, and manifesting the most joyful results.

Use these powerful strategies daily to create your best:

Start each day with prayer, meditation, or quiet time:

No matter how busy or full your day may be, taking and making the time for quiet reflection, meditation, or prayer first in the morning sets up your day for a powerful start. It connects you to Higher guidance, gives you heightened awareness, and helps you remember to call in Angelic help so that you are more aware of intuitive directions and best options.

Whether you practice a traditional religion or have your own unique spiritual approach, beginning with meditation or prayer lifts your awareness higher for inspired solutions or new ideas for healing. Even taking five to ten minutes a day can keep you focused and guide you to any areas needing your attention.

I’ve changed business choices and altered important decisions because of higher guidance that I received during my quiet time in the morning. I also keep a pen and paper ready to write down any ideas or unusual information that I receive during this time.

Check your intentions:

Take the time to check your motivations and intentions daily. Ask for help to be aware of any lower self-serving motives or wrong directions. Request Universal direction to see best options and right actions throughout the day. Also ask that all the right doors open and all the wrong doors be closed if you’re starting something new or need to make an important decision.

By asking these simple questions, you become more aware of powerful insights which can prevent wrong directions, dead ends, or missteps. It keeps your motives clear and at a higher level because it shifts you to a higher spiritual consciousness and away from lower ego or personality-based choices.

Is it yours to do?

Many of us waste valuable time and energy being sidetracked by getting in situations with people, places, and things which aren’t ours to do. This can waste your time and energy and pull you away from your highest purpose.

When you ask this question, it helps you receive Universal assistance and clarity for where you are needed and best actions to take. Is it your responsibility or are you enabling what someone else should be doing? Are you getting entangled in someone else’s story and then not having the energy and time to invest your own best life?

This simple but powerful question can keep you focused on your own unique path and guides you to opportunities that create best outcomes.

What are your most joyful choices?

We all have choices available to us each day, but some lead to more Light and joy than others. This question alerts you to unique possibilities and options, especially ones that you weren’t aware of before.

It also sends a clear message to the Universe that you’re willing to grow in joy and releases the need to work harder or for unnecessary struggle for what you want. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain by asking the question which can set the intention of alerting you to the most joyful ways for creating your best.

Ask for the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth:

This simple but powerful question can start revealing false information and flush up hidden agendas to help you see more clearly. If you need to make an important decision or feel uneasy about a current situation, this spiritual go-to is a powerful way to tap into higher energies to see the truth before moving forward or making an important commitment.

Clear your energies:

Take time daily to energetically clear yourself, your home, and anything that you work with frequently of any energetic cords, hooks, mass consciousness, or lower level vibrational drains.

This keeps you clear and free of any outside or external interference. Scanning and clearing energies throughout the day will keep you refreshed and energized to sustain higher levels of Light and having your daily flow easily.

All of these favorite spiritual go-to’s are powerful strategies that when used daily can change your life. They elevate your awareness, keep you protected, and empower you to live at your highest level of abundance and joy.

In Light, Nancy Robinson


I use a vibrational energy called Elicor Awakenings, which includes energy clearing, spiritual coaching, and crystal skull gridding (on request). These energies clear mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual levels, enabling clients to make changes and bring forward new possibilities.

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