5 Easy Steps For 7 Day Rejuvenation
Lilibeth Andre
Using integrative health I focus on the particular condition and need of the individual. I consider the holistic approach to tailor the best route for the specific individual. However, I have identified five actions that are vital to everyone in order to kick-start their rejuvenation and literally, turn back the clock.
When we short-change our body of these actions we begin to experience early aging. It’s a stealth effect. It creeps up without making a sound. Or so we think.
There are many telltale signs that our body has to let us know it isn’t getting what it needs. Our performance begins to wane but we ignore the subtle messages. We begin to attribute it to age.
It is easy to ignore our body’s call for help. Our body is very smart. It’s a wonderful “orchestra” of cells, organs and body systems that compensates for missing nutrients, poor performance or insufficient resources. Our body is smart that way.
Our body keeps us alive no matter what. It readjusts to keep us living and functioning. It begins to short-change less vital functions to focus resources on the most important activities. With time, this adjustment calls for other adjustments and our body becomes exhausted. We age prematurely from the inside out. Our performance becomes inefficient and burdens other systems too.
What can you do to help your body get back into a healthy balance and support your holistic rejuvenation?
Here are five simple steps to kick start your rejuvenation from the inside out. Watch your body enhance performance in as early as one week. But remember, in order to maintain this balance and support your ongoing improvements, you must make these changes part of your daily lifestyle.
Here they are:
- Hydrate: Drink 8 glasses of water every day.
Dehydration shows up on our skin. It will look dull, dry and wrinkles but it also affects the inside tissues and function slowing them down. Here’s an easy formula to calculate your water needs:
My Weight / 2.2 / 8 ounces = Glasses of Water I Need
Remember that the older you are and the more physical activity you have, the more water your body will need. Avoid drinking too much water after 6pm.
Why hydrate: To better perform, distribute resources and remove waste.
- Eat Fresh: Make ¾ of your plate servings fresh foods
Fresh, organic, seasonal and local foods are the freshest way to deliver vitamins, minerals, fiber and hydration to your digestive system for best absorption and youthful performance.
Why eat fresh foods: To ease delivery of nutrients, absorption and digestion.
- Sleep: Go to bed early and sleep 8 hours.
Lack of sleep shows up in puffy and saggy skin and worn out body systems on the inside. Your performance, both physical and mental, wanes. Wind down as the sun sets and dim your lights.
Why sleep: to give the body time for rest and repair.
- Exercise: Actively exercise for 20-40 minutes every day, and stand up, stretch and move every hour.
Walk, bike, jog, dance, yoga, tai chi, or practice any fun activity that you sustain for that period of time to activate and energize your body. Your body will be stronger and move youthfully, inside and out.
Why exercise: To maintain our strength and function inside and out.
- Breathe: Every morning, take 5 deep breaths thru your nose to expand, hold and expel used air.
Poor breathing tires our body and mind contributing to early aging. Breathe fully and use your breathing rhythm to slow down, activate or balance your body. The mind will follow.
Why breath: Proper breathing can help us balance emotions, function and youthful appearance.
Try these tips and begin to see how your body rejuvenates and performs in a healthier and more balanced way in as early as seven days. Work with your doctor if you have any pre-existing conditions or just to let him know you will be working to improve your lifestyle.
If you’d like to find more tips for holistic rejuvenation, look for my book, Top 10 Tips For Holistic Anti-aging, A Quick Guide To Rejuvenation From The Inside Out, available on Amazon or at http://www.myhealthybalance.shop.