2025 – Teetering on the Brink of The Great Cosmic Shift: Out With the Old, In With the … Yet To Be Imagined!

Great Cosmic Shift

The year 2025 is likely to be a year of massive shifts and changes in collective consciousness on several levels.  Along with Pluto’s permanent ingress into Aquarius, the outer planets, Uranus and Neptune, as well as Saturn, begin completion of their long journeys through Pisces and Taurus and shift into the next signs, Aries and Gemini.   The dominant elements of the Cosmos shift from earth and water to fire and air, and we begin a great transition of energetic focus and attention.  We move from the urge to ground and integrate energy, with an emphasis on security, protection, and stability, to the urge to take action, with an emphasis on courageous (or sometimes reckless) risk-taking, a willingness to experiment with new possibilities, and the need to explore uncharted territory.  The astrological shifts of 2025 are powerful indicators of major karmic completion in order to pave the way for new beginnings.  

Symbolically, just as several powerful planetary characters hover between signs, we will be dealing with the last remaining remnants of the Piscean Age, while hovering on the edge of The New Age of Aquarius.  In July 2026, there is an alignment of Pluto at 4 Aquarius, Neptune at 4 Aries, and Uranus at 4 Gemini, activated by Full Moon at 5 Leo-Aquarius, with Sun conjunct Jupiter in Leo, and the Nodes of the Moon entering the Aquarius-Leo axis.  In the never ending debate over when the Aquarian Age actually begins, I’m marking my calendar for  July 29, 2026.  It might seem like a long way off, but with the speed at which time appears to be moving these days, it will be here sooner than we think. 

Meanwhile, in 2025, we’ll be devoting much time and energy to clearing, releasing, and making peace with the past as we lay the foundation for what is to come.   

The theme of “teetering on the brink” is supported by several astrological factors.  As Neptune and Saturn complete their  transits through the last degrees of the last sign, Pisces, and the Nodes of the Moon (and therefore the eclipse cycle) move into the Pisces-Virgo axis, the cleansing of the “Karmic Slate” becomes both a personal and collective imperative.  On some level, we will feel a certain urgency to cleanse and release the psychic remnants and debris of “old stuff” (unfinished emotional business, unhelpful patterns of thought, unhealthy habits, etc.) in order to avoid carrying it with us into the next chapter of our lives.  Unfortunately, that “stuff” in need of cleansing is likely to be exaggerated, rise closer to the surface of consciousness, and loom more darkly than usual.  One need only look to the outcome of the recent election for a good example of this principle in play.  We can’t truly cleanse/release what we cannot see and feel.  We are more motivated to do the work required when we are forced to suffer the consequences of not doing it.  Fear can also be a powerful motivator, as long as we don’t allow it to cripple us into the illusion that we are powerless.  Perhaps the karmic cleansing of America requires that we take a long hard look at the atrocities committed along the way, like genocide, slavery, the plunder and rape of Mother Earth, and the amoralities of capitalism run amok, to forge this nation, and make a determined effort to not repeat history.  If we can rise above the suffering, the fear, the crippling shame, and feelings of powerlessness (all negative Piscean qualities), and aspire to the more positive Piscean qualities of hope and faith in the higher universal powers at work right now, we might just find the courage to do what must be done to write a new American story, and hopefully begin a new chapter in history of which we can be proud.   It is interesting to note that the last transit of Neptune in Aries was 1861 – 1875, coinciding with The Civil War and the reconstruction of the country that followed, for better or for worse.  Coincidentally, Uranus also transited Gemini from 1858 – 1866.  The process of karmic cleansing at the deepest level applies to each of us personally, as well.  The Karmic hens come home to roost for everyone this year.  The challenges that will confront each of us are based uniquely on our own karmic blueprint and totally dependent on how well we have dealt with the many mole hills we’ve encountered over the past few years, especially since Saturn entered Pisces in March of 2023.  If they have been left unattended, those mole hills are likely to feel like mountains this year.  If we have been doing the work all along, mindfully taking responsibility for each karmic debt encountered, then this year will likely be one of excitement about the future and renewed inspiration to move forward and take action to create a more meaningful and fulfilling reality.  

We’ll get a glimpse of Uranus in the sign of Gemini, where it is more comfortable and free to express its basic nature.  However, these last degrees of Taurus are likely to exaggerate and emphasize the lessons of the past six years since Uranus entered Taurus in May 2018.   Insecurity over resources has resulted in changes of the personal value system for many, as well as awareness of new and creative ways to manage resources more efficiently.  The finite nature of precious natural resources, time and energy included, has been revealed, forcing us to be more sensitive to the abuses of Mother Earth and more willing to conserve and protect our resources.  Our assumptions about “solid ground”  have been shattered, both symbolically and literally, forcing us to incorporate flexibility and adaptability into our new life structures as we build them.   When there is no longer such a thing as “a sure thing”, and our illusions of control are finally gone, we become much more careful and conscientious about how we choose to spend energy.  One Uranus in Taurus lesson in particular, new and creative ways to ground energy, will come in very handy as we begin to navigate the dizzying speed of technological breakthroughs and advancements, which change life as we know it, that always coincide with Uranus in Gemini.   

The Mercury retrograde cycle occurs in the fire signs of Aries, Leo and Sagittarius this year.  This, coupled with the 2025 Chinese Year of the Snake beginning on 1/29/2025, the long retrograde of Mars in Cancer, and Jupiter’s shift into Cancer in June, reminds us to keep one foot on the accelerator and the other foot on the break.  External events, as well as instinctual/intuitive “nudges” will provide us with many reminders to “curb the fire”, check the impulse, and force us to carefully think through and assess decisions about the new direction we want to take.  It is a year to allow the vision of the future to take form and lay anchor in consciousness, but temper the impulse to recklessly forge ahead until the timing is right.  There will be a serious need this year for “Sacred Space”, a safe place of reflection and for healing and forgiveness of past wounds, as well as what Joseph Campbell calls “creative incubation”, a place to allow your vision for the future to unfold, naturally and without force.   

If we’ve learned our Saturn/Neptune in Pisces lessons well, we have developed a closer relationship with “Higher Self”, learned to trust our intuition and rely more heavily on “spidey sense”, become more accepting and tolerant of others’ differences, and to “walk our talk”, or practically apply spiritual principles to everyday life and reality.  This year, we will no doubt find ourselves often teetering on the brink between graceful surrender to that over which I have no control and active self-assertion/defiance/open rebellion against injustice which simply cannot be tolerated; between resolution/completion of past karmic patterns and hope/optimism about future potentials.  The death and birth of ages is always accompanied by tumultuous events spanning several generations that force us to release what has been before in order to fully embrace what is to be. There is simply no way to predict what these events will be, or the intensity and trauma required to catapult us into the next age.  

Personally, as I meditate on the astrological possibilities for 2025, I sit teetering on the edge between fear and excitement.  It’s very similar to the feeling I get every time I am about to perform/speak/ present before an audience.  It is not comfortable, but it has never stopped me.  I know that this place of paradoxical feelings provides me with the creative edge I need to do my best work.  Learning to walk the tightrope between the two has been a major piece of work on my life’s journey, and provided me with one my greatest super powers.  I leave you with the wisdom of my favorite fortune cookie ever received, and a perfect thought to sum up 2025:  

Courage is simply fear that has said its prayers!

FYI, I will be exploring the major themes of the coming year more deeply in my annual in-person full day workshop, Transits of 2025, on Saturday, January 11, 2025.  Space is limited, so pre-registration is required.  If you would like more information about this event, please contact me via email at hiakam@sbcglobal.net.  

By Kimberly McSherry

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