The Meaning of the Elements

The Meaning of the Elements

Fire signs are concerned with expressing their will, taking action and exploring the world so they are highly adventurous. Dynamically high-spirited, their positive enthusiasm colors their psychic energy. They radiate out self-confidence and can seem self-centered as their passions accept no limits or restrictions on their ideas or goals. They express themselves freely, unapologetically and are rather impatient as they rush around relentlessly always going somewhere. Fire signs can always see new trends, fads, or movements on the horizon. Speculative, they take risks based on hunches more than the other signs. 

Earth signsare concerned with manifestation, practicality, and the physical senses of the body. Productive and determined to making things happen in the concrete world, they are revel in accomplishing things in the here and now. They are attracted to anything that grants longevity and security in the material world. They are interested in others only when they see something real and solid can come of the association. They themselves tend to be reliable, dependable, and rather conventional in their assessments. Often they are addicted to routines which limit their ability to make changes and utilize their intuition or imagination.

Air signs are concerned with the mind, the world of ideas, movements and shifts in perspectives. They are interested in social relationships as they need communication to feel alive and connected. Freedom is a big deal to them so they create distance and space in order to move around and meet new people. A distinct ability to detach allows them to be more objective and rational while seeming to be rather impersonal to others. More important to them are theoretical ideas that are demonstrable and can affect people’s lives with their perspectives and intellectual talents.

Water signs are concerned with feelings and deep emotions. As they are living closer to the unconscious, a lot of their sensitivity comes from their psychic attunement and ability to feel the oneness of life. They operate a lot intuitively as what they know or what is motivating them is based on what feels right to them. They can be secretive, suspicious, and self-protective about their ability to trust unless their inner vibes give them direction that may not be considered or based on ‘face value’ or ‘conventional wisdom.’ Strongly sympathetic and caring, they express themselves much more emotionally and compassionately than the other elements. 

We develop competence and learn self-responsibility by drawing on the element that is appropriate when it is needed. For instance, when we are in a situation that requires common sense and practicality, we are drawing on the earth element. When we find ourselves going for it, being willing to take a chance on the unknown because of a strong hunch, we are drawing on our intuition. When we value another person, an ideology or an object, we are using our feeling nature, and when we are required to use our logic and cognitive, we are drawing on our thinking function. 

Not everyone has these elements or functions in equal amounts, and Jung would say we only have one or two (sometimes, but rarely three) of these functions developed. It takes work to see and use what he called our inferior function. Inferior not because it is bad, inferior because it is not naturally given or inherited as our energy comes from our parents, their parents, and generations before them. Undeveloped, the inferior function is likely primitive and childlike. In conclusion, our birth chart will clearly show us what we have to work with in this lifetime as well as what we will consciously be required to develop.

”Individuation is always to some extent opposed to collective norms, since it means separation and differentiation from the general and a building up of the particular — not a particularity that is sought out, but one that is already ingrained in the psychic constitution.” — Carl Jung, Psychological Types, paragraph 761

Every month, I delineate a sign and what could be projected into the Shadow, so this month it is Leo.

Leo – The Star/Hero/Heroine

The sign of Leo, which is the fifth sign of the zodiac (approximately July 23rd through August 23rd) and developmentally from about fifteen to eighteen years, is where we begin to have the ability to revel in our own energy and pleasure. Being alive and having a self that likes to play and perform, Leo proudly presents itself to the world. Leo, at its very best, is the star performer, the born actor who is here to spread its positive cheer and good will to everyone they meet. They radiate the life energy of the Sun, their ruler, and creative self-expression is necessary for them as their strongest desire is to gain admiration and appreciation for their amazing talents. Often, they are also heroic and willingly champion a noble cause. They must be careful of taking things too personally, therefore becoming ego-vulnerable, needing the approval of others for their decisions. 

This is also the sign who is most involved with their children, wanting to show them off as a source of pride, to build their own self-esteem. They do give much, fuss and dote over their children, but they also have a reputation for being bossy as there is a dominant or willful energy to this sign. Sometimes they run the risk of egocentricity and can appear to be self-centered but on the plus side, Leo is generous to a fault. Romantic and dramatic, they are the sign most effective in sweeping the partner off their feet with their lavish attention. They give praise as much as they want to receive it and love the state of limerence at the beginning of any new relationship. What they want most is to be adored, recognized, and worshipped for the magnanimous person that they are. 

Now what can be in the Shadow?

The opposite sign of the zodiac is Aquarius which describes a much more detached and objective character who is not concerned with what others think. Aquarius is much more intellectually eccentric and requires less validation for their contributions to society as their concerns are more universal instead of personal. Aquarius is freedom-oriented and rebellious about the accepted norms for behavior and can exhibit sudden radical changes, not willing to be bound to routines or even just planning ahead. Absentminded professor types, they conveniently forget what they said or the plans they made with you. Erratic and restless, they are independent and usually unpredictable, too. At times they like to shock others by revealing obvious truths that go against the conservative mindsets of the culture. Often they are observably nervous and fidgety, rather odd, kinky, unusual, weird or just plain unortho¬dox. It’s a rebellion against the status quo and they love to defy authority in any way they can.

”How can I be substantial if I fail to cast a shadow? I must have a dark side also if I am to be whole; and inasmuch as I become conscious of my shadow I also remember that I am a human being like any other. In any case, when I keep it to myself, this rediscovery of that which makes me whole restores the condition which preceded the neurosis or the splitting off of the complex. In keeping the matter private I have only attained a partial cure — for I still continue in my state of isolation. It is only with the help of confession that I am able to throw myself into the arms of humanity freed at last from the burden of moral exile. The goal of treatment by catharsis is full confession — no merely intellectual acknowledgement of the facts, but their confirmation by the heart and the actual release of the suppressed emotions. “ 

—Carl Jung, Modern Man in Search of a Soul, paragraph 35 

“To an unindividuated person, everyone is like us or should be,” I heard, now deceased Astrologer and author, Richard Idemon say once. Consciousness and more compassion, which is always a sign of advancing individuation, can be developed by recognizing that the differences we have with others do not have to be experienced as threatening. Often, we will meet our opposites and be drawn to them precisely because their dominant orientation is something we badly need. Unconsciously, we will be either fascinated and enamored by them or we will become repulsed and rejecting, so this is yet another way to see what we are needing to develop to be whole ourselves. 

To be continued …

Rebeca Eigen
Rebeca Eigen, an astrologer for 25+ years and author of The Shadow Dance & the Astrological 7th House Workbook specializes in relationships. From every day decisions, to critical life-altering moments, Rebeca shares with you her practical wisdom and guidance for your life’s journey in becoming who you are meant to be.

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